Yeastar computer telephony card for fax reception / transmission

    One of our clients decided to make improvements to the current operation of the enterprise by replacing the analog PBX with IP PBX “OkTell”, since the analog PBX did not give them the functionality and flexibility required for the operation of the enterprise. The initial list of requirements for IP PBX included: the transfer of all internal telephony to modern VoIP technology; voice menu; intelligent flexible routing of incoming and outgoing calls; refusal to use telephones at workplaces - employees must use a headset in communication with customers; and refusal to use a hardware fax machine - the function of receiving and sending fax messages is assigned to the fax server module built into OkTell. The connection of the analog telephone exchange to the public telephone network was carried out by analog lines, which was planned to be maintained.

    To convert the analog signal from FXO lines to VoIP, the Yeastar TDM 800 telephony board was chosen. Unlike some other computer telephony boards, Yeastar TDM family cards do not support fax processing hardware, like, say, Synway or Alder boards, where fax messages are processed by hardware. At the same time, the cost of the Yeastar family boards is significantly lower than similar models with fax support, which was the reason for choosing this board.

    Since when using voice gateways or computer telephony boards without built-in fax support, the entire fax processing process falls on the shoulders of the OkTell complex, preliminary testing was necessary. Our company experts tested the compatibility of the OkTell plus Yeastar complex for sending / receiving fax messages using the fax server integrated into the OkTell complex. Bench tests were successful.

    Installation and setup of the system took 1 day. During this time, the server part of OkTell was installed and configured; established jobs for employees; the necessary routing scheme for incoming and outgoing calls is configured; the Yeastar TDM 800 board is configured and voice parameters are adjusted for the correct reception, making calls and faxing.

    After checking the quality and correct routing of voice calls, we checked the operation of the fax server and the passage of fax messages. During the test operation and testing of the complex at the client’s site, the flawless operation of the OkTell plus Yeastar combination was confirmed. When testing the passage of faxes, simultaneous reception and sending of several, up to 4 simultaneous, fax messages was carried out. In total, more than 50 faxes were sent and received. During the testing period, several real faxes were also received and sent from client clients. As a result of the check, not a single fax message was lost.

    The results we were very pleased. The experience gained using the “OkTell plus Yeastar” bundle for working with faxes indicates the correct operation of the fax server integrated into the “OkTell” complex. In addition, this gives us the opportunity to recommend that customers use the Yeastar computer telephony card from a more affordable price range together with the OkTell complex. And we can be sure that this will not lead to a loss of functionality.

    PS: In the course of testing faxes, we also tested equipment from other manufacturers for use as a voice gateway. Despite the change of several instances of equipment, software updates in the gateway (flashing), the use of various gateway models, as well as the regulation of the OkTell voice settings, our company specialists were not able to achieve the correct operation of the fax and the absolute probability of sending and receiving it.

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