Historical photos on Google Street View
Want to go back in time and see how the streets of your hometown looked like a hundred years ago? For this, the same Google Street View is suitable, from which historians have made a real time machine. Pick up a smartphone with GPS - and go on a tour.

We are talking about the unique SepiaTown project - this is a selection of historical photographs that are painstakingly tied to the terrain and superimposed on Google Maps. The source of the photographs is the archives of various museums. In particular, photographs of Moscow were taken from the New York Public Library.
For example, here are the Upper City Rows (view of Nikolskaya from a historical museum, 1886).

Walking the streets with a GPS navigator and Google Maps, you will immediately see the place from which the picture was taken.
Unfortunately (or fortunately), ordinary users do not have the right to replenish the SepiaTown collection. In order to maintain historical purity, specially registered and verified experts are engaged in this. Since the project is non-profit and free, the “experts” are recruited from among the volunteers. But if you have rare historical photographs in the private archive, you can donate them to the project (and they will put a link to you as a patron).
The development of this interesting resource can be monitored through the developers blog . They sometimes publish there very beautiful pictures from among new arrivals.

We are talking about the unique SepiaTown project - this is a selection of historical photographs that are painstakingly tied to the terrain and superimposed on Google Maps. The source of the photographs is the archives of various museums. In particular, photographs of Moscow were taken from the New York Public Library.
For example, here are the Upper City Rows (view of Nikolskaya from a historical museum, 1886).

Walking the streets with a GPS navigator and Google Maps, you will immediately see the place from which the picture was taken.
Unfortunately (or fortunately), ordinary users do not have the right to replenish the SepiaTown collection. In order to maintain historical purity, specially registered and verified experts are engaged in this. Since the project is non-profit and free, the “experts” are recruited from among the volunteers. But if you have rare historical photographs in the private archive, you can donate them to the project (and they will put a link to you as a patron).
The development of this interesting resource can be monitored through the developers blog . They sometimes publish there very beautiful pictures from among new arrivals.