IT-Portfolio - Tell the IT community about yourself!

    IT-Portfolio LogoGood afternoon, readers of Habr!

    I want to tell you about the IT-Portfolio project , which should help representatives of the IT industry find interesting projects and people in a team, get a job where their skills and abilities would really be in demand, find representatives of science dealing with similar areas of the vast Computer Science and related disciplines, to share with colleagues and the employer not just a list of "where he studied, where he worked," but something more interesting. And now, first things first.

    IT-Portfolio- This is a service that allows people in the IT field to create an analogue of a full-fledged home page without unnecessary difficulties such as creating a website design or structure and setting up a CMS. A profile on our service will give you significantly more features than a regular home page:
    • post detailed information about your activities and demonstrate your own work: screenshots, fragments of source codes and any other necessary files;
    • to lay out their scientific articles, term papers and qualification works, and in addition to read strangers;
    • to find people in a team, to join a project yourself, or to be surprised to find that you were found for the indicated interests, skills and projects;
    • to know that your merits will not be forgotten. Have you contributed to a huge project with dozens of other programmers? Your friends, colleagues and future employers will find out about this;
    • and what we have not yet come up with.

    What does not suit us the usual resume? Any HR or project manager will tell you how little you can understand from the resume ... Very often you invite a person for an interview, you talk with him and you understand that the resume is one thing and the life is different. And the point here is not that the applicant can exaggerate his achievements - simply by the description of “where he studied, where he worked” it is very difficult to judge the professional qualities of a person. Anyway, you need to look at the code, screenshots, read the documentation, find out what projects he did at the university, school or in his free time, etc. Only then can you understand something about a person. This is where we benefit from the user profile on IT-Portfolio. This is an extended summary, according to which you can understand what the applicant lived and lives in our industry, in which projects he participated, who were his colleagues (after all, it is very important how strong they were), what he did there and how it looked. And you can be sure that what is written is close to the truth - after all, a project on a portal often has several participants and one who is presumptuous will always be corrected.

    The same thing and when we want to find a person in the team - well, how to understand what it means to be a person about whom is written on LinkedIn, that he is a developer with 5 years old say in Java and worked in fairly good companies? It is especially important for a startup to understand what a person is, how he lives and what he can do except for his main job.

    Now we are preparing the project for alpha testing, so I will show only some of its features, which will be available in a closed beta.

    A personal page on the portal will allow:
    • post your projects;
    • talk about professional interests and achievements;
    • Integrate Twitter feed and Facebook-Like for page elements
    • keep a personal blog;
    • specify and post publications.




    A separate page is created for each project, on which you can:
    • post a description of the project;
    • indicate your role;
    • list the participants;
    • add files and screenshots;
    • blogging a project;
    • Add Twitter feed and Facebook-Like.


    In addition, a functionality has been implemented to search for projects by applicable technologies and the ability to separately search for projects in which your colleagues are involved.

    IT-Portfolio is a service for representatives of the IT industry. Registration on IT-Portfolio will allow you to keep abreast of the latest news from the IT world, post detailed information about your activities and demonstrate your own work, find like-minded people and IT experts, reach a new professional level and gain credibility of the IT community.

    Acknowledgments. This project would be completely different if the staff of Cakelabs studio Veronika Lushkevich and Sergey Pereskokov did not work on the design of the portal , and Alexander Kotomanov andAlexey Ostrovsky . Thank you very much!

    If you have ideas on how to make the project better, then please write about them in the comments, on this page, or on Twitter ( @it_portfolio ). Soon we will go into a closed beta, leave applications on our website, and we will try to give all accounts as soon as possible.

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