This is a short article for those who have experienced any difficulties installing Ruby.

For starters, it would be nice to download the Ruby distribution, for example - from here
. Everything is simple, for good reason it is One-Click Installer.
Let's get started!
In order:
Read the terms and conditions, or disagree.
Next, choose the components you want. Personally, I would not change anything and leave the checkmarks on SciTE, FreeRIDE, Enable RubyGames.
Then you will be asked to select the folder where to install Ruby, by default: C: \ ruby \
Next, select the name of the folder to start.
That's all.
Now, you can go to the address
(Or from the start menu-> all programs-> ruby-> SciTE)
Launch SciTE and go to Ruby Language, Part 1.

For starters, it would be nice to download the Ruby distribution, for example - from here
. Everything is simple, for good reason it is One-Click Installer.
Let's get started!
In order:
Next ->
Read the terms and conditions, or disagree.
I Agree ->
Next, choose the components you want. Personally, I would not change anything and leave the checkmarks on SciTE, FreeRIDE, Enable RubyGames.
Next ->
Then you will be asked to select the folder where to install Ruby, by default: C: \ ruby \
Next ->
Next, select the name of the folder to start.
Install ->
Next ->
That's all.
Now, you can go to the address
(Or from the start menu-> all programs-> ruby-> SciTE)
C: \ ruby \ scite
Launch SciTE and go to Ruby Language, Part 1.