Facebook-Skype Alliance Endangers Google's Social Position

    So far, these are just insider rumors, as said in this post on Habré , but it may well be that Facebook and Skype are really organizing a powerful alliance that will strengthen the already significant positions of both services. However, this alliance is unlikely to be such an initiative that Google will like - especially since such an alliance can cause significant damage to the business of the latter. After all, if about 500 million Skype users unite with 500 million Facebook users (well, albeit a little less, it’s clear that there can be a significant number of users registered here and there), then such a platform with the ability to voice, text, video chat will be well very strong competition with similar services from Google.

    But Google is making significant efforts to socialize, so to speak, its services, and to merge these services into a single whole. For example, the integration of Google Voice in Gmail is a very significant omen of such socialization. Soon, the so-expected social network (if such a platform can be called a social network) Google Me can be announced.

    Comparing the time tables, or rather, the capabilities of the Facebook-Skype alliance and Google, we see that the first platform is much more significant than the second, at least for the moment. When Google “rolled out” the Google Voice service integrated into Gmail, 1 million free calls were made in the first day. What do you think, how many such calls will be on the first day when combining Skype and Facebook? It seems to me that more, much more, probably, we are talking about a difference of two orders.

    Will Google's communication services stay afloat in this case? I think so, but they can’t make any serious competition to the alliance mentioned above. But Google really counts on small and medium-sized businesses, whose representatives will work with its communication services. It seems that the same business will be much more interesting to work with Skype and Facebook - after all, these two platforms are extremely popular among small, medium and large companies.

    On Facebook, hang out employees, partners, suppliers, consumers - everything you need for a business. Everything is far from simple with Google - not many people work with Google Voice, and probably will work even less after the announcement of the Facebook-Skype union. The combination of these two social communication platforms is a win-win strategy, as they say, win-win strategy. But Google in this situation you will not envy.

    Of course, the corporation was never afraid and did not look back at more powerful competitors, but in this case, Google has very little chance of successfully promoting its social platform. Although, there are still a few options winning for Google - for example, if Cisco buys Skype - in this case, much can change ...

    Via Yahoo

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