Budget Whiteboard

    What is a whiteboard and with what it is, probably, everything is already in the know. And this post is about the option of a homemade board. To do such a thing in our office, I was moved by the Yandex office, with their walls pasted with a film, on which you can write with a marker. In less than a month, I decided

    A little googling, you can find that there are two types of vinyl film that can be used for our venture: simple glossy white and special for marker boards. The first costs 127 rubles, the second more than 600 per linear meter. The budget was modest, so the choice did not bother us.

    Calling a couple of advertising companies, I found a seller in our city, bought 4 linear meters, by the way, we used only 2 of them, gave two more to my wife for educational purposes. The width of this film is almost one and a half meters, so that even half the area bought is more than enough. Cutting such a film is very easy, because a cell is drawn on the back:

    Already in the office we were in for a surprise in the form of “painted” wallpapers with relief. The film is self-adhesive, but very thin, and so that everything works as intended, it is impossible to glue the film on such a surface. Therefore, we decided to leave the film on the substrate (it is as thick as a lightweight whatman paper) and stick it to the wall with tape. At the same time, they assured themselves that this decision is temporary (yeah, there is nothing more permanent, like what is done temporarily).

    After hanging the board, the matter remains small - make a stand for the markers. A plastic bottle and a self-tapping screw came up for this role.

    After that, it was possible to proceed to testing. The board showed itself perfectly:

    However, there are problems - if the marker is not washed for several days, then you need to use a damp rag, and at the same time a very pale mark remains.

    Still, it would not hurt to fasten a sheet of gypsum fiber board or plywood to the wall, and already stick a film to it. Although then we would exceed the budget.

    In general, the recording surface turned out to be excellent, end users are satisfied:

    The cost of the board is 254 rubles , and this is good news :)

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