Analysis of the process of filling out web forms on sites

    The process of filling in website visitors' order forms for goods / services is one of the key aspects that affect site conversion. As practice shows, the difficulties that arise in users in the process of interacting with web forms are very often the cause of the loss of potential customers. Accordingly, the identification of these obstacles and their subsequent elimination is a necessary condition for increasing the conversion of a commercial site.

    The relevance of the problem has been repeatedly confirmed in practice. For example, on one of the sites specializing in Internet marketing, out of 15 visitors filling out the web form for ordering services, only 2 completed this process completely and clicked the “order” button. According to rough estimates, the owners of the site in only 2 weeks lost orders worth about 20 thousand UAH. (~ 80 thousand rubles). And this is just one of many similar examples.

    Without detailed testing, it is quite difficult to determine what difficulties site visitors may encounter during interaction with product / service order forms. You can only put forward more or less reliable hypotheses about which particular moments interfere or make it difficult to fill out a web form.

    In order to simplify the solution of this problem, you can use modern web analytics systems that can show the features of the actions of visitors to the site. Testing several websites revealed characteristic problems that reduced the conversion capabilities of these web resources. In particular:
    1. Users who interacted with web forms for ordering goods / services have difficulty if it is necessary to fill in more than 8-10 lines;
    2. Users passively perceive web forms where it is necessary to write a lot of capacious information. For example: some web forms on the websites of firms specializing in SEO provide answers to the following questions: “How do you see your site?”, “How do you evaluate your site”, “Describe the concept of the site’s activity”, etc. Answers to such questions require the ability to concisely, concisely and in a clear form to present information, which can take a lot of time.
      In the course of tracking the process of interaction between site visitors with this kind of web form, interesting results were obtained: within 5 days, none of the visitors who visited the page with the web form did not even try to fill it out. Although the analysis of interaction with the site showed that visitors carefully studied the nature of the questions that needed to be answered;
    3. If the page on which the web form is located is overloaded with other information (advertising banners, links to news, other services of this resource, affiliate programs, description of the discount system), then this is a serious distraction.
      Case study: every second visitor who started filling out a service order web form was distracted by viewing news feeds, loyalty programs, following links to other web pages of the same site, and did not always finish filling out the form.
      On one of the analyzed sites, the presence of distractions on the page for ordering services, only within one week led to a loss of income in the amount of 10 thousand UAH. (~ 40 thousand rubles);
    4. The presence of motivating information on the page for ordering goods / services is also an important factor for increasing website conversion. When filling out web forms, a certain part of users “jump” to the pages “ About Us ”, “ Questions and Answers ”, “ Our Clients ”, etc. Most likely, at a subconscious level, they want confirmation of their choice and begin to carefully read the information that they have already skimmed through before proceeding with the checkout process.

    When analyzing the features of user interaction with web forms, it is desirable to pay attention to such points:
    • Which fields of the web form were most often left out by potential customers;
    • Before filling in which fields, most often users interrupt this process;
    • In what order do users fill out the fields on the web form. Usually here you can see certain trends. Visitors to the site do not always fill out the form in the order in which its fields are located. You may need to reorder the line layout for the convenience of your potential customers;
    • What elements of the web page visitors interacted with during filling out the order form (the so-called “distractions”);
    • What difficulties did users experience when completing the web form? Signs: double or triple clicks on the form fields, order confirmation button. It is also necessary to evaluate the level of complexity of the questions that the user must answer.

    The process of tracking how customers fill out web forms has another obvious advantage. It allows you to determine the contact details of those visitors who, for some reason, interrupted the filling of the service order form (the system will save the data that users have already entered into the fields of the web form: e-mail, phone number, website address). They can be contacted individually.

    In general, on each of the sites, the process of filling out web forms has its own individual characteristics. Its analysis should be as detailed as possible. Only then will it be possible to diagnose hidden problems that reduce the conversion of the site.

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