10K Apart contest launched - create a 10 Kb web application and win $ 3000


    The Mix Online team is launching a competition for web developers called 10K Apart .

    According to the terms of the competition, you must develop a website application with a total size of 10K, which includes all resources: markup, scripts, styles, pictures and more. However, you can use one of the following libraries: jQuery, Prototype and Typekit with CDN and their size will not be counted in the total size of the application site .

    Work should be a standards-compliant HTML5 web site application that will run in IE9 Preview 3, Firefox and the browser-basedWebkit .

    The jury includes famous people: Jeffrey Zeldman , Eric Meyer , Nicole Sullivan , Whitney Hess , Jeremy Keith .

    The winner will receive $ 3,000, registration for An Event Apart next year, and HTML5 for Web Designers .

    There are already three works on the contest website .

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