Runetology (63): e-government expert, author of the blog Ekaterina Aksenova

    Ekaterina Aksenova, General Director of Strategist Agency, talks about the work of state portals, about government services on the Internet, about government clients and the role that civilian Internet projects play in building an electronic state in Russia.

    Vasily Strelnikov in Runetology:
    • Rpod and - for the development of podcasting on Runet

    Guest Interview:
    • How to win a tender to create a state website?
    • What are the features of working with the state as a customer?
    • Who manages the budgets of state IT projects and how?
    • Gossites of the 90s today. Has the state internet evolved?
    • The quality of electronic public services and the activities of officials on the Internet
    • Why do we need civilian Internet projects and what is their role in building an electronic state?

    Discussed news:
    • Rambler will merge with Poster
    • Members of United Russia Required to Visit Party Sites
    • Conscript convicted of draft evasion due to status on social network
    • Blogger’s friendlet is used as evidence in a criminal case

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    played 361 times

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