Six steps to increase site revenue

    Look around if you do not believe: sites that place ads on their pages are divided, with rare exceptions, into two categories:

    • some (probably the so-called "shkolota") make advertising on the site an idol - distinguishing it from the gray mass of their own content, occupying it all visible and invisible space, indirectly, or even directly calling the user to pay attention to it (advertising) and make a magic click;
    • the second category - most likely “shy ones” (apparently shy of the fact of their own monetization) - the advertising blocks on their resources are carefully disguised as the design of the content part - by color, background, font, size - sometimes even completely removing it.

    Abuse of such extremes, as well as throwing between them, can lead only to one thing - to bewilderment about the lack of income.

    But somewhere in the middle, like the truth, is something surprising - the Usability of Advertising.

    From the

    usability of the site to the usability of advertising There is a direct correlation between the convenience of the site itself (i.e. its usability) and the income from the site - a convenient site is more popular among visitors. They come and stay. They come back and advise his friends. Visitors - this is essentially the profit of the site.

    And if the advertising, with the help of which the website makes money, is made convenient and noticeable for the visitor?
    And if at all everything with which the website earns (paid subscription, the purchase process in the online store, etc.) - subordinate to the principles of usability?

    The answer is obvious - income will grow.

    So what is usable advertising?

    The nature of user behavior on the Internet lies in finding the right information. Accordingly, advertising on a site can be effective when it helps the user find what he needs.

    Remember your attitude to advertising on the site - after all, you will not be lured by a vivid appeal and you will not be outwitted by the advertising block on the menu site. Now forget that users are dumber than you and think.

    If the advertisement is too much interfering with the user (pop-ups, blinking banners), then he gets annoyed and leaves the site. If the advertisement is “disguised” and misleading, the user will get used to the minefield, or (most likely) will leave again.

    Therefore (looking ahead), experts consider contextual advertising blocks that are unobtrusively inscribed in the design and style of the site, located as if in addition to the text, and especially taking into account behavioral targeting.

    Users like ads that:
    • understandable, i.e. you can predict what happens after clicking on it;
    • correlates with the theme of the site or with the interest of a particular visitor;
    • fits harmoniously into the site itself;

    6 steps to make advertising on the site more effective:

    1. Change your attitude to advertising

    Advertising - this is not useless information to the user. It is more than just making money. Try to treat advertising as what helps the user find the right information, the right product.
    With this view, it is obvious that advertising should complement the content of the site, it can and should be useful. Exclude all advertising systems on your site that prevent the user from finding the right information. And add those advertising formats that really help visitors: contextual advertising, behavioral advertising, advertising on a given topic, etc.

    2. Advertising should be visible, but unobtrusive

    Remember, advertising is what helps the site’s audience. Make this information even more accessible and visible. Of course, for each site and even for each page, the most effective placements can be different. Think about the behavior of your visitors on different pages and imagine where to attract their attention to advertising would be most effective.

    In usability, the most attractive places for placing information are known to visitors. The general principle is that advertising should be placed near the content for which the user comes, the closer the advertising to the content, the more noticeable it is. The less between the advertising and the content of unnecessary elements, for example: stripes, icons, ryushechek, etc., the better.

    In general terms, the most attractive places are depicted in the diagram (marked in yellow):


    3. Use advanced statistics.

    Many systems offer slicers to track ad performance. Place slices and find out which ad units are effective and where they are best placed. Also, you can use the heatmap of clicks and services for visual testing of the site in order to understand which places on the site are most noticeable to its visitor.

    4. Make advertising a continuation and addition to the main content.

    Create the appropriate design. In particular, change the colors and fonts. When placing ads, it is recommended to use colors that are already used in the design of the site, for example, in navigation or design elements.

    If ads are embedded in text placed on a light background, it is recommended to use the same color scheme for ads. For example, the text is dark blue on a white background - accordingly, the ads should be decorated in approximately the same colors - a dark blue font and a white or light background.

    5. Check - is advertising everywhere available?

    Check for advertising in various sections of the site. For example, if there is a forum, place ad units there too. First of all, advertising should be placed on the "end pages" - that is, where visitors are delayed. For example, on pages with news, a lot of text content, in articles, etc.

    6. Use the opinions of professionals.

    You can always listen to expert opinions, for example, contact ourRevenue Advisor . It will describe in detail all the features of your site, and will help increase the income from Yandex.Direct advertising.

    Today, there are many advertising formats that do not annoy the user, but rather help the webmaster to earn money and the visitor to find the necessary information.

    Tell us what advertising formats do you use on your sites?

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