Firefox 4: more tabbed animation

    Recently, photos of some changes that may appear in Firefox 4.0 have been published. One of these days, one of the developers of the fire fox published several videos showing how the tabs will work in the new version of the browser. This can be clearly seen in the picture:


    One of the videos shows how Firefox tabs will be animated when moving. The second discloses the process of creating a new tab. In a nutshell, the tabs in Firefox 4.0 will be very similar to the tabs in Google Chrome.

    In the current version of the fox (3.6), when you click on a tab and drag it somewhere, you can see a kind of shadow of the page that the user is currently viewing. You can drag it to the tab bar and the arrow will show its new location. In Chrome and Firefox 4, working with tabs is implemented more smoothly.

    When you create a new tab, this is not just a pop-up window from nowhere, but a “slide” growing from left to right (see image above). When you drag tabs from one place in the tab bar to another, all open tabs will slide around it to make room.

    One of the areas where the implementation of the new Firefox runs counter to the similar one from Google Chrome is the creation of a new window from a tab. If you click on a tab and drag it outside the tab bar, then in both browsers you can create a new window, with the page that was opened in this tab. Chrome is a little shaky during this process. At the same time, there is no animation in the Google browser, it’s just a thumbnail of the page, and if you raise the button, the tab will instantly become a new browser window. In Firefox video, if you do the same thing, then when you raise the mouse button, the tab will gradually increase from thumbnail to full size.

    You can appreciate the new tab animation yourself here and here .

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