Eco-friendly cardboard server chassis
As experts know, in a modern server more than 10% of the cost is the case. The cost of the housing ultimately affects the cost of services for customers of the data center. Earlier, our company developed cost-effective 2U-cases, which allowed to reduce the cost of entry-level servers, which could not but please our customers. We decided to develop this idea, and considered further ways to reduce the cost of our services. And since our company is environmentally conscious, we have successfully and fully implemented a new production project - server chassis made of cardboard:

Caring for the future of our planet, we use only cardboard obtained as a result of processing of secondary raw materials, therefore we called the new product “Eco-chassis” or “Eco-chassis” for the foreign market. The cardboard case was developed and successfully introduced into production. The operations department and the server assembly section also praised the new product. This is what the assembled server looks like from the inside:

One of the significant advantages of the “Eco-Corps” is that for its assembly, the minimum skills and materials and tools that are in any household or office are enough:

The staff skeptics of our design bureau protested, stating that cardboard was not the right material for server enclosures, but they were wrong. We filled several racks with servers assembled in such cases, and it turned out that in operation there are no significant differences from traditional metal ones.

Rear view: The

retail price of the case is less than 15 hryvnia (less than $ 2). We accept orders for the supply of lots from 1000 pieces (standard pallet). Enclosures are delivered in the form of a cardboard sheet with an uncoated pattern, for self-cutting:

As well as with a cut view with fold lines:

Currently, our design office is developing a full-sized 4U case, a super-economical 1U case for 2 motherboards, server racks and server cabinets made of cardboard. The enthusiasm experienced by fire inspectors at the sight of our products is neutralized by certified fire-retardant treatment, which processes all products.
Also in the near future it will be possible to download patterns of all our products in electronic form for self-production, having paid a small amount via SMS.
Source: www.colocall.net/eco-chassis

Caring for the future of our planet, we use only cardboard obtained as a result of processing of secondary raw materials, therefore we called the new product “Eco-chassis” or “Eco-chassis” for the foreign market. The cardboard case was developed and successfully introduced into production. The operations department and the server assembly section also praised the new product. This is what the assembled server looks like from the inside:

One of the significant advantages of the “Eco-Corps” is that for its assembly, the minimum skills and materials and tools that are in any household or office are enough:

The staff skeptics of our design bureau protested, stating that cardboard was not the right material for server enclosures, but they were wrong. We filled several racks with servers assembled in such cases, and it turned out that in operation there are no significant differences from traditional metal ones.

Rear view: The

retail price of the case is less than 15 hryvnia (less than $ 2). We accept orders for the supply of lots from 1000 pieces (standard pallet). Enclosures are delivered in the form of a cardboard sheet with an uncoated pattern, for self-cutting:

As well as with a cut view with fold lines:

Currently, our design office is developing a full-sized 4U case, a super-economical 1U case for 2 motherboards, server racks and server cabinets made of cardboard. The enthusiasm experienced by fire inspectors at the sight of our products is neutralized by certified fire-retardant treatment, which processes all products.
Also in the near future it will be possible to download patterns of all our products in electronic form for self-production, having paid a small amount via SMS.
Source: www.colocall.net/eco-chassis