Blackberry 9520 and comparison with HTC 4G MAX Yota

I would like to express my thoughts on two devices, namely HTC 4G MAX Yota and Blackberry 9520 Storm2. I could not find comparisons of these devices on the expanses of the Russian Internet, only exclamations like Windows are nonsense, but blackberry is a completely different level. Nobody can comment on what and how plainly ...How did these devices turn out to be with me ...
I personally used HTC 4G for about six months; I recently purchased a “blackberry”. The reasons were simple - HTC was used including for navigation in the car, and it was not convenient to talk, I had to be distracted from the road for several seconds, which is not good. I bought a Blackberry 8800 for a small amount to try out what is Blackberry with its unique services and at the same time as a dialer. At the same time, HTC was used for mobile surfing the Internet, asi and a Yota modem for a laptop, which is very convenient, if not for one circumstance - I bought a MacBook Pro and could not be used as a modem via USB, only via Bluetooth. But as you know, this technology has a serious speed limit, I can’t say exactly which one, I think about 50kb / s. And iota worked REALLY at speeds of 1-5Mbit. I can say one thing about 8800, it slows down when surfing the Internet (Opera mini 5 beta 2) and in general is not a fast device, very simple, but it worked for about 3-4 days with a heavy load and caught everywhere where it does not catch much. He also got the ball, especially in the calculator. So it was decided to purchase the top version of Blackbury (it’s with a touchscreen, otherwise they will say that 9700 is newer ...)What immediately catches the eye
The designs of the devices are similar, the blackberry is slightly smaller and has a smoother shape. There is no stylus, on HTC there are already 2 of them (a spare one in the kit), although for work it is generally not required. There is no second photo camera, but I personally have never used it on HTC personally.Screen
The screen on HTC is slightly larger, but the color of blackberry conveys better in my opinion. It is also worth noting the unique technology of blackberry - SureType. At the heart of the well-known (on the iPhone) capacitive screen. The essence of SureType technology is to exclude accidental clicks, touching the screen you only select an application or link, and clicking on it makes a “click” and, for example, launching the application. Moreover, a click in the literal sense of the word, the screen is "squeezed" by 0.5mm and you feel the click with your finger, very similar to the MacBook touchpad - one big button. This is quite convenient, especially when printing, and it’s unusual when I pick up HTC I don’t arbitrarily try to “click”.Camera
The main camera is a blackberry 3.2MP with a “flash”, unlike the 2.0MP on HTC without a flash, both with autofocus. The quality of the cameras of both devices is high, the documents are very clear.Communication

It should be noted a very convenient function of HTC - a screen lock during a conversation, when the phone is near the ear, apparently there is a proximity sensor, when you tear the phone away from the ear, the backlight turns on. On the "blackberry" the screen simply locks, it is not so convenient, and there were a couple of cases when the speakerphone was turned on by the ear ..
The speech quality on both devices is very, very decent, it did not cause problems. On WM, you can easily implement the function of recording conversations (automatically) by installing software such as VITO Audio Notes, but on blackberry I could not implement this function.
Business use

For our company, we bought 3 blackbury 8800, as I wrote above. In our business - the development and promotion of sites ( www.saytik.ru ), communications, quick answers to customer questions, communication within the company, making appointments, and so on, are extremely important, I’ll tell you about this now.
The main feature of Blackberry is their unique technology. The bottom line is in constant communication with the server, which allows you to synchronize mail, contacts, tasks, notes and a calendar + some software settings. This is incredibly convenient when someone sends me mail, after about 2-3 seconds it is on my device. For those who make heavy use of communications, this is a must have. I can create a task or schedule a meeting on the calendar, and then it will appear on the computer in MS Outlook or MS Entourage (Mac OS). A web interface is also available, very similar to Outlook. I can invite a colleague to a meeting. In addition, the technology includes data compression and PowerPoint presentations or other attachments loading faster than on other devices. The main task of Blackberry is to instantly receive mail, download an attachment, display it in a high-quality and convenient way, edit it and send it. He copes with this flawlessly, iPhone and HTC are generally not competitive in this. If you lose your phone, they’ll erase all the information from the phone and block it, and after buying a new one you don’t need to connect to the PC, just contact the server administrator and drive the email address and password into the device’s settings, all contacts will be downloaded within 10-15 minutes, mail (last 200 messages), tasks, notes, etc. There are two types of services described above BIS and BES. The first for physical. persons and costs about 350r \ month, provides it to MTS and Beeline. At the same time, at least email traffic is free and you cannot use mail on your domain, only with the help of forwarding. BES is provided for legal entities, represents a separate north, you can buy it (the price will surprise you unpleasantly) or rent it (for example, in Delta Mobile). The service costs 1000r \ month + server rental 1000r \ month + mail exchange hosting order about 400r \ month (all prices for 1 mailbox). BES encrypts data, and so it encrypts that the FSB could not decrypt until they were given access codes. In addition, traffic for mail, asya, surfing the Internet (Opera Mini 5) and many other programs - for free, Yandex.Maps too, but so far I have not been able to implement this on 9520, but on 8800 everything worked. Delta mobile attributed this to the fact that they do not have such an apparatus and it is not officially supplied to Russia. You can also bind your corporate mail on your domain, which is important for me. The service costs 1000r \ month + server rental 1000r \ month + mail exchange hosting order about 400r \ month (all prices for 1 mailbox). BES encrypts data, and so it encrypts that the FSB could not decrypt until they were given access codes. In addition, traffic for mail, asya, surfing the Internet (Opera Mini 5) and many other programs - for free, Yandex.Maps too, but so far I have not been able to implement this on 9520, but on 8800 everything worked. Delta mobile attributed this to the fact that they do not have such an apparatus and it is not officially supplied to Russia. You can also bind your corporate mail on your domain, which is important for me. The service costs 1000r \ month + server rental 1000r \ month + mail exchange hosting order about 400r \ month (all prices for 1 mailbox). BES encrypts data, and so it encrypts that the FSB could not decrypt until they were given access codes. In addition, traffic for mail, asya, surfing the Internet (Opera Mini 5) and many other programs - for free, Yandex.Maps too, but so far I have not been able to implement this on 9520, but on 8800 everything worked. Delta mobile attributed this to the fact that they do not have such an apparatus and it is not officially supplied to Russia. You can also bind your corporate mail on your domain, which is important for me. cards too, but so far I have not been able to implement this on the 9520, but on the 8800 everything worked. Delta mobile attributed this to the fact that they do not have such an apparatus and it is not officially supplied to Russia. You can also bind your corporate mail on your domain, which is important for me. cards too, but so far I have not been able to implement this on the 9520, but on the 8800 everything worked. Delta mobile attributed this to the fact that they do not have such an apparatus and it is not officially supplied to Russia. You can also bind your corporate mail on your domain, which is important for me.
Operating Systems
It’s easier to write about what I felt after switching from WM 6.1 to Blackberry OS5.0. The system interface is very nice, does not slow down, with effects and gestures. In general, both devices are adapted for working with a finger, it’s convenient, but I want to note that typing on blackberry is more convenient, but sometimes I get past the keys, although my fingers are thin and Windows problems are extremely rare, we’ll write this off to the habit and feature 9520 to place the finger a little higher relative to the button. However, in the landscape arrangement the situation is somewhat different, on HTC the keys expand and blur, and on the “blackberry” you can print with two fingers very, very quickly.the Internet
On the “blackberry” there is EDGE, 3G, Wi-Fi, and on HTC - EDGE, 4G, Wi-Fi. It is worth adding that the RF regulator prohibits the use of Wi-Fi on blackbury in the Russian Federation, this problem can be circumvented if you use the BIS service, and if you prefer BES, then alas, Wi-Fi will not be available, but it is not really needed. 3G on a beeline so far where there is little + consumes more energy, and the difference in speed is not so different, I turned it off. 4G from Yota on HTC also consumes quite a bit of energy, but the speed is very decent 2-3Mbps on average, it depends on the reception, and the coverage in Moscow is already more than 90%.Working hours
Blackbury lasts for a day with a heavy load - asya 3 hours, mail letters 30, calls about 2 hours + surfing the Internet for an hour. But I must say that I do not have an original battery (as it turned out ...) and it holds 2 times less than the original (I already ordered it), as shown by a survey among the owners. HTC lasts for 2 days with an average load, I did not read mail on it, only Internet + Asya.Purchase
HTC can be freely bought at a store, at a flea market, and so on. Blackbury 8800, 8900, 9000 can also be bought anywhere. But with Storm and Storm 2 there is a problem - in the Russian Federation they are not supplied yet, these are new models. They sell several stores, but more expensive than you can buy on ebay, while the cost is 200-300 dollars. Less - about 10-15 thousand rubles. This variation is explained by the model, the 9550 has GSM and CDMA standards, it costs about 10-12 thousand, the Americans sell. And 9520 sells Vodafone in Europe - England, Germany and works only in GSM, it is considered less buggy and costs more than 14-15 thousand. The current hype with mail and ebony should not be taken into account, because EMC mail has its own customs and a delivery time of about 2-3 weeks. I also twice encountered the problem of connecting to services, for what reason I can’t say, roofing felts in the wrong device unlocking, roofing felts in something else. Russian language is added to the system without any problems. I note that Beeline does not connect gray phones to BIS, and MTS has no problems.Equipment
Blackbury comes with a cable for a PC, charging, a leather case with a sensor (the phone determines when it is in the case), disks, booklets, etc.Video and photo review
I didn’t voice it, so everything is clear. I only note that HTC does not have standard firmware and I already forgot how to use it :) this caused a slight dull picture.

If you have questions about services or devices, I’m glad to answer. As well as any additions / comments on the article.
Another topic about blackbury - http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/phones/70038/