Everything new in AIR 2.0
There was a need to find out what's new in AIR 2.0. Christian Cantrell described everything, and I translated it.
Multi-touch - touch events are similar to mouse events, but you can handle several such movements at once - for example, with two fingers. While Multi-touch is only supported on the windows platform.
Hence, support for Gestures (gestures) - that is, an air application can support both touch movements and gestures - they are processed as part of a single event and are essentially a synthesis of touch movements. Gestures are still supported on the win- and mac-platform. And here are some gestures:
- GESTURE_TWO_FINGER_TAP (two-finger printing);
- GESTURE_PRESS_AND_TAP (one finger is “pressed”, the other is typing, and on some devices it is a call to the context menu);
New API File.openWithDefaultApplication () - allows you to open files that are associated with an air application. The solution is cross-platform, and allows you to integrate one application with another.
New security dialog at boot - the File.downloaded property allows you to set the flag that the file was downloaded from the network and the OS should offer the user a dialog box to open the file. It is supported on win- and mac-platforms, including Windows XP SP2 and higher, as well as Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) and higher. But on Linux there is simply no such concept, and therefore there is nothing to catch.
A new API for mounting and unmounting disks, including obtaining information about the disks themselves, their names, type of file system, and whether they are removable, writable, and the like.
Native processes are extremely useful if you want to call .exe, .dmg, or Debian and Red Hat Package Manager. This thing is possible to use only if your air application will be compiled as .exe or .dmg (and a special tool will be publicly available).
The so-called File Promises - that is, files that do not yet exist, but you can drag them somewhere, or if they exist on a remote server - you drag them from the server to a folder on your computer, and they will be automatically downloaded and placed to the specified folder.
Server sockets - I think that someone who is engaged in programming knows what it is, but if you are not in the know, I explain: you can listen in on server sockets, and you can’t do without it if you decide to write a P2P application, or what - Any protocol like FTP.
Datagram sockets are sockets for UDP.
Encrypted sockets - everything is clear here, sockets will be encrypted using TLS / SSL.
IPv6 support.
The ability to access information of low-level networks - you can get information about the interfaces on the machine, get properties, their IP and name.
Bind Sockets for special network interfaces is already for cool programmers: you can organize information binding from special network interfaces - well, that is, you can easily (as I understand it) organize receiving exchange information or something like that.
DNSResolver is also a network thing that will allow you to obtain information about the DNS records of the following types:
- ARecord (IPv4 address for the host);
- AAAARecord (IPv6 address for the host)
- MXRecord (MX record for the host);
- PTRRecord (hostname for IP address);
- SRVRecord (service record for the service).
Configuring the timeout for the HTTP request - URLRequest.idleTimeout and URLRequestDefaults.idleTimeout - in milliseconds.
Support for local audio encoding - access to audio data directly from the microphone, and these data can be immediately sent to a remote server - that is, in other words, you can organize audio broadcasting.
Global error handling is also an innovation that will allow handlers to be written to handle any awkward errors in one place.
Improving accessibility - AIR 2.0 supports screen readers.
NativeWindow and Bitmap Size - the maximum window size in your air application can now be 4094x4094.
Improved support for the printing process:
- vector for the mac platform;
- comprehensive transparency.
Nested transaction support - SQLite now supports nested transactions.
In AIR 2.0, you can control the events that cause the computer to shut down: now you will not lose data after any program caused the computer to shut down.
Updated WebKit:
- support for Nitro JavaScript Engine;
- CSS3 modules;
- styles for scrollbars.
In addition, the AIR 2.0 development team was able to optimize memory consumption and CPU load.
Multi-touch - touch events are similar to mouse events, but you can handle several such movements at once - for example, with two fingers. While Multi-touch is only supported on the windows platform.
Hence, support for Gestures (gestures) - that is, an air application can support both touch movements and gestures - they are processed as part of a single event and are essentially a synthesis of touch movements. Gestures are still supported on the win- and mac-platform. And here are some gestures:
- GESTURE_TWO_FINGER_TAP (two-finger printing);
- GESTURE_PRESS_AND_TAP (one finger is “pressed”, the other is typing, and on some devices it is a call to the context menu);
New API File.openWithDefaultApplication () - allows you to open files that are associated with an air application. The solution is cross-platform, and allows you to integrate one application with another.
New security dialog at boot - the File.downloaded property allows you to set the flag that the file was downloaded from the network and the OS should offer the user a dialog box to open the file. It is supported on win- and mac-platforms, including Windows XP SP2 and higher, as well as Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) and higher. But on Linux there is simply no such concept, and therefore there is nothing to catch.
A new API for mounting and unmounting disks, including obtaining information about the disks themselves, their names, type of file system, and whether they are removable, writable, and the like.
Native processes are extremely useful if you want to call .exe, .dmg, or Debian and Red Hat Package Manager. This thing is possible to use only if your air application will be compiled as .exe or .dmg (and a special tool will be publicly available).
The so-called File Promises - that is, files that do not yet exist, but you can drag them somewhere, or if they exist on a remote server - you drag them from the server to a folder on your computer, and they will be automatically downloaded and placed to the specified folder.
Server sockets - I think that someone who is engaged in programming knows what it is, but if you are not in the know, I explain: you can listen in on server sockets, and you can’t do without it if you decide to write a P2P application, or what - Any protocol like FTP.
Datagram sockets are sockets for UDP.
Encrypted sockets - everything is clear here, sockets will be encrypted using TLS / SSL.
IPv6 support.
The ability to access information of low-level networks - you can get information about the interfaces on the machine, get properties, their IP and name.
Bind Sockets for special network interfaces is already for cool programmers: you can organize information binding from special network interfaces - well, that is, you can easily (as I understand it) organize receiving exchange information or something like that.
DNSResolver is also a network thing that will allow you to obtain information about the DNS records of the following types:
- ARecord (IPv4 address for the host);
- AAAARecord (IPv6 address for the host)
- MXRecord (MX record for the host);
- PTRRecord (hostname for IP address);
- SRVRecord (service record for the service).
Configuring the timeout for the HTTP request - URLRequest.idleTimeout and URLRequestDefaults.idleTimeout - in milliseconds.
Support for local audio encoding - access to audio data directly from the microphone, and these data can be immediately sent to a remote server - that is, in other words, you can organize audio broadcasting.
Global error handling is also an innovation that will allow handlers to be written to handle any awkward errors in one place.
Improving accessibility - AIR 2.0 supports screen readers.
NativeWindow and Bitmap Size - the maximum window size in your air application can now be 4094x4094.
Improved support for the printing process:
- vector for the mac platform;
- comprehensive transparency.
Nested transaction support - SQLite now supports nested transactions.
In AIR 2.0, you can control the events that cause the computer to shut down: now you will not lose data after any program caused the computer to shut down.
Updated WebKit:
- support for Nitro JavaScript Engine;
- CSS3 modules;
- styles for scrollbars.
In addition, the AIR 2.0 development team was able to optimize memory consumption and CPU load.