Startup Idea: Idea Implementation Service
We all know that people and companies creating and developing their business on the Internet sometimes have several, and sometimes several dozen domains registered “for the future”. As a rule, these domains are not the result of thoughtless cybersquatting, but their names are “conceived” for a specific implementation, perhaps even a specific project. But not always, ideas are brought to fruition, and often they simply lie in the blank until suitable people meet.
The idea is to create a service that provides the opportunity to find like-minded people to develop a project, partners or an adequate seller / buyer of a domain you like. The basis for communication and building relationships will be precisely domain names.
Perfect security
Each participant can be represented, for example, from 2 to 10 domains, so we cut off freeloaders who bought one excellent domain a hundred years ago and are now trying to cash in, from one side and cybersquatters with hundreds of domains from another. Registration and verification based on whois data.
Formation of the environment
As a rule, people thinking in one direction quickly and usefully find a common language. This community could be an excellent base for finding like-minded people and partners - designers, copywriters, programmers.
A whole bunch of additional services.
Our entire target audience in one way or another relates to early adopters from the Internet - therefore, among them, various tools will be highly demanded.
Means of promotion
The starting steps are prompted by the idea itself, the ability to post on a parked domain or write in a whois “marker” about the opportunity to discuss the future of the domain on the site. Well, much more can be offered if you think about it.
The idea is to create a service that provides the opportunity to find like-minded people to develop a project, partners or an adequate seller / buyer of a domain you like. The basis for communication and building relationships will be precisely domain names.
Perfect security
Each participant can be represented, for example, from 2 to 10 domains, so we cut off freeloaders who bought one excellent domain a hundred years ago and are now trying to cash in, from one side and cybersquatters with hundreds of domains from another. Registration and verification based on whois data.
Formation of the environment
As a rule, people thinking in one direction quickly and usefully find a common language. This community could be an excellent base for finding like-minded people and partners - designers, copywriters, programmers.
A whole bunch of additional services.
Our entire target audience in one way or another relates to early adopters from the Internet - therefore, among them, various tools will be highly demanded.
Means of promotion
The starting steps are prompted by the idea itself, the ability to post on a parked domain or write in a whois “marker” about the opportunity to discuss the future of the domain on the site. Well, much more can be offered if you think about it.