Google and Facebook will try to capitalize on the unrest in Iran

    Seeing the growing activity of Iranians in network services due to unrest in Iran , Google and Facebook stirred, announcing the launch of versions in Farsi.


    Today, the Facebook administration announced that it had decided to launch the Persian version of the social network due to the growing activity of Iranians on the Internet. Eric Kwan said that the new language version has been under development for a long time, but the release date was postponed due to the appearance of a large number of Iranians on Facebook. Kwan also added that more than four hundred native speakers helped in translating the company's interface.

    Google has decided to add Farsi to its Google Translate service. Google representatives reportThat the translation is still far from ideal, but they tried to improve the versions of Farsi> English and English> Farsi. Franz Och also motivated the rush to introduce Farsi into Google’s translator by the unrest in Iran.

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