HRC "Rockettog": Home


    Community, I welcome you. Today is remarkable for the fact that the Rocketdog production center has appeared on the Internet project market . A series of small discoveries on the one hand and sharp disappointments on the other made it necessary to reconsider the view of the market. At that time, while some are busy warming up their own vocal chords, others are declaring intellectual delusions that have swept them, and still others are predicting for a crisis, we are ready to help good people make outstanding Internet projects, and other good people to own them as a profitable asset.

    Rocketdog for project owners:
    - investments in the project at the stage of the general prototype;
    - advertising campaign of the project;
    - preparing the project for sale and finding a buyer;
    - advice on development, management, business;
    - team selection.

    Rocketdog for investors and companies:
    - selection or creation of an Internet project for the stated criteria;
    - conducting a transaction of purchase or sale of an Internet project;
    - consulting, expert opinion, analysis of project effectiveness;
    - supervision and project management by the investor.

    The main emphasis will be placed on the promotion of existing and new services using non-standard formats for the Russian Internet. Our goal is to deeply integrate online into offline.

    For investors who want to invest in a successful and interesting service, a project pool has been created that allows you to select a project for the necessary criteria. In the absence of the above - the project is created from scratch or further search is carried out.

    We are not ready to engage in social projects and projects whose material cost is zero (services that serve social activities may be an exception).

    It will be fun - we promise.


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