News of the gaming community

    We love games;) Gaming community
    Hi everyone, I haven’t been reporting news and updates of the site for a long time.
    The site has changed a lot. The design has become softer, features have been added. But it’s worth noting some things (no, I won’t do the entire detailed list of changes, everything was quiet and consistent, and was discussed in the irc chat):
    • Most importantly, the login has been updated. If you suffer from dynamic ip, now you can not get attached to it, and save authorization after reconnecting to the provider. You can login here.
    • In the profile, you can now specify which jellies or consoles you have, ICQ, Jabber or Skype.
    • The flags of the countries appeared in the profile;)
    • Constant rewrites of news from different portals (special thanks to sk2tv and Adolf)
    • Updated section of the game. A lot of them. Lots of. It’s not realistic for me to collect infa for all games, so the ability to add information by the players themselves functions. Such applications are gradually considered and changes are made to the structure, and the authors are awarded with coins (currency on the site for rating articles)
    • In the players section, there is now a side list of online players in irc chat. For registered players, flash chat is also loaded, with standard features + private.
    • Every day, somewhere around 10-20 mixes are played on the Soldat game in an irk chat, which is good news. The site also opened , in which translations of the off site of the game will be laid out.
    • There was a kind of forum-style review of the latest topics. 
      This is not a full style forum, but for some it may be convenient to review new comments (a feature may appear to track new comments).

    Well, in conclusion. We put skype, we put. It is more convenient to play with him all together, to join in a conference and just get a lot of fun from communication;)
    I think a convenient posting of messages on the site will soon appear. And the extension of functionality for gold. There are ideas to make a kind of mmo toy on a flash, so that the gold on the site has some game value. Thanks to the entire gaming community for their support, see you in the game;)

    PS Unfortunately, there is not enough karma to transfer to the games section, or even I'm smart.

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