Bookmarklamp - bookmark lamp concept

    Always and everywhere with a book? You read on the train, on the plane, in the hotel room ... And love to read before bedtime. Everyone wants to sleep, and you want to read. Interfere with bright light in the middle of the night, quarrels, constant conflict ... Agree that the problem is only that you have a common light. I wish you your little personal light.

    And imagine - a small, light bulb, and also a bookmark.

    Bookmarklamp is a bookmark lamp. When the book is closed - the lamp is off and serves as a bookmark. When you want to read, open the book, put the lamp between the last pages and the cover. Turn it on and bend it, because it’s convenient and bright light that illuminates only the pages of your book. Have you finished reading? Turn off the lamp at the touch of a button at the end, easily unbend it and place it in the place where you finished reading.

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