Software Quality Assurance Days-2009


    The series of conferences under the general title “Software Quality Assurance Days” (SQA Days) is one of the largest events in the field of modern information technologies in the field of software quality assurance in the post-Soviet space, which brings together leading international experts.

    Software Quality Assurance Days is not just providing another opportunity for companies to present themselves to the general public and draw attention to their services. This is a place where acute and urgent problems are discussed and new and promising solutions are proposed that take into account the interests of all parties: both customers and suppliers of software development and testing services.

    The program committee of the conference carefully selects the topics of speeches. Priority is given to reports that contain practical experience in solving problems, as well as reports of an innovative nature (new technologies that simplify the work).

    The high activity of the participants of the four previous conferences has clearly shown how great interest there is in the issues of testing and software quality assurance.

    The fourth SQA Days conference, which took place on November 17, 2008 in Minsk (the first three conferences were held in Moscow), gathered not only a record number of participants (more than 350 people from different regions), but also became a unique platform for the exchange of experience and the creation of conditions for cooperation for the implementation of joint projects in the field of testing. Each specialist got the opportunity to exchange contacts and information with his colleagues from other countries.

    According to tradition, the organizer of the fifth international conference SQA Days is SQALab (Moscow) based on the IT‑CONF.RU portal (a resource combining high-quality conferences for IT professionals in the CIS and neighboring countries) together in the Software portal -Testing.Ru.

    SQA Days-2009 will focus on issues related to software testing and quality assurance: functional testing, integration testing, performance testing, test automation and tools, configuration testing, usability and security testing, static methods of quality assurance, and also issues of implementation of testing processes in the enterprise, management of software quality assurance processes, coma management issues Dr. testers and quality assurance engineers, and other areas of interest QA-specialists.

    In addition, it is planned to consider testing system applications (not the Web), as well as testing games and mobile applications.

    It is also planned to raise topics of project team motivation and certification of specialists in the field of software quality assurance.

    The proposed format of the event is a two-day conference, in which parallel sections on various technologies will be held. Presentation forms - reports with multimedia presentations, reports on flip charts, round tables, master classes, focus groups. Thus, the essence of new trends this year lies in the “informality” of the atmosphere of the conference, namely: comfortable conditions for communication, equal rights of participants, lack of barriers to exchange views, solving urgent problems and promising partnership in the implementation of projects following the conference.

    “The conference program, as well as the range of issues discussed, is expanding from year to year. Conducting and organizing the fifth conference of the SQA Days series, we set ourselves two tasks at once. One of them is to give people the opportunity to freely communicate with each other, because the conference is an important platform for “live” professional communication. But on the other hand, I want to show that the raging financial crisis is not only sudden problems, but also unexpected prospects. Indeed, the issue of software quality and optimization of business processes is particularly relevant right now, when each company is actively fighting for the opportunity to stay “afloat”. We hope that SQA Days-2009 in St. Petersburg will become an absolutely unique forum that accumulates the accumulated experience in the field of software testing and combines several formats at once. Perhaps,

    You can get additional information about SQA Days-2009 and apply for participation for students, speakers and potential partners on the official website of the conference or in the organizing committee of the conference .

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