This spring, Japanese women prefer Apple
It's no secret that the apple monster has been sharpening its teeth on the islands of the rising sun for a long time. After all, any attempt to win the attention of the Japanese consumer is smashed into the bastions of Akihabara and absorbed by Shinto shrines. So the sales of iPhones purchased by Softbank in comparable galactic sizes have practically failed .
Even screwing the TV tuner to the apple product and free scattering of iPhones on Tokyo streets did not save the situation . And how well it all started ... the
beginning of Iphon sales in Japan, photo
But “choo! .. it was blowing by the sea wind and the cherry blossomed in the garden” - young Japanese women (20-26 years old) like the design from Apple. No really)
It turns out that they are just crazy about these smooth lines and rounded shapes, clad in white plastic. Cunning Apple analysts were mostly interested in the ergonomic appeal of gadgets. “Which company’s products are most pleasant to hold in their hands to pretty young ladies?” They asked. What most Japanese women called Apple, referring to all kinds of iPod and iphone. In second place was Sharp, in third - NEC, and in fourth - again Apple, but now with laptops.
survey results can be found here
“At the same time, Japanese young people and older users do not like Apple computers, players and smartphones. In their opinion, devices lack functionality. ” And this, in general, is understandable.
via Appleinsider , itoday