why do we need web design?

    In at least 95% of sites, web design is used to hide the scarcity of site content.

    The site design is especially important when there is no site content at all.

    When the owner of the site does not tell anything about himself, or cannot talk about his advantages, for example, over competitors, etc., then web design, i.e. only by external design of the site, they try to hide the scarcity of the offered goods and services, and the lack of their advantages over competitors.

    The psychology of buyers is such that the more outwardly effective the site, the more various special effects and avant-garde solutions are implemented in it, the less likely it is that the buyer will purchase the goods or order the service through this site.

    This statement can be verified as follows:

    select several leading sites:

    copy and save the main and several main web pages of the site;

    in any editor program, remove content from those web pages that have been saved;

    examine what remains on the web pages after removing content from them.

    Almost all customers are surprised when, looking at such web pages, they realize that they are all the same, or have slight differences in layout. In other words, almost all popular and leading sites differ not so much in design as in content.

    Content defines the design of any website.

    If the site content contains a lot of graphics, then the site design is perceived, in general, as graphic.

    If the content of the site contains mainly text, then the design of the site is perceived, in general, as text, i.e. outwardly simple and "light."

    In some cases, you can change the psychological perception of the site by visitors by complicating or simplifying the design of the site.

    In almost all cases when customers contact a web studio with a request to redesign a site or promote a site, the main task is to simplify the design of the site, rather than complicating it.

    The outwardly “sophisticated” site design, full of many special effects, often indicates that either the web designer has not yet taken place or the site owner perceives the site not as a tool for doing business, but as fun and entertainment.

    Another common reason for creating a “sophisticated” website design full of many special effects is the desire of a web designer to get more money from a customer.

    The overwhelming majority of web designers find it easier to justify the cost of their services to the customer, precisely if the site design is “sophisticated” and full of many special effects.

    In this case, having no experience in web design, customers easily agree to increase the cost of work.

    In fact, creating an outwardly simple and “lightweight” website design is more difficult than a website design full of graphics and special effects.

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