0.5 million mobile books

    Google booksbooks.google.com/m - this is how the address of the page on which all the books previously available in Google Book Search looks is optimized for reading on small screens, for the most part this is done for owners of iPhone and Android devices.

    18 categories, almost 1.5 million books for residents of the North American zone and about 0.5 million for all others — these are the sizes of the Google Books mobile archive.

    One of the interesting features of the new archive, which you can always carry with you everywhere, is the method of digitizing paper media - for this, Optical Character Recognition technology is used, which extracts text from a book so that the mobile device does not see the difference between the web page and the digitized text, while dividing it by heading, body, and even digesting footnotes. By clicking on any line or paragraph from a book a couple of times, you can see the scanned original - this is done to prevent digitization errors - if the reader sees the wrong text, then double-clicking on any line will see how this text was printed in the book.

    via GoogleBookSearchBlog

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