Install Exherbo

    Not so long ago on Habré I published an article about the new distributor Exherbo . Today we’ll talk about installing this OS.

    First of all, we need a working linux system, or a LiveCD, anyone can do it - from Gentoo LiveCD to Ubuntu, in my case it's Gentoo LiveCD.

    First of all, you need to configure the network and partition the hard drive, on different linux distributions it is done differently, for Gentoo LiveCD you can read the articles in their own handbook:
    Configuring your Network
    Preparing the Disks The

    second step is to download the stage corresponding to the computer architecture on currently there are versions for x86 and amd64:
    Exherbo x86
    Exherbo amd64
    (note - for unpacking, you may need LZMA Utils , there isn’t such a thing on Gentoo LiveCD, I had to install it)

    The third step. Create a directory for mounting the future filesystem root:
    mkdir / exherbo

    Mount the created hard disk partitions:
    mount / dev / sda3 / exherbo
    mount / dev / sda1 / exherbo / boot

    Unpack the downloaded stage:
    unlzma exherbo - * - current.tar.lzma
    tar xvpf exherbo - * - current.tar -C / exherbo Prepare the

    environment for chroot:
    cp /etc/resolv.conf / exherbo / etc /
    mount -t proc none / exherbo / proc
    mount -o bind / dev / exherbo / dev

    Implement chroot:
    chroot / exherbo / bin / bash

    We edit / etc / paludis / bashrc for our own needs, setting the desired -march / -mtune, optimization flags and MAKEOPTS:
    vim / etc / paludis / bashrc

    Update the paludis database to the current state:
    paludis -s

    Install paludis through itself (this replacing the stage version with the version from git exherbo, it can take a lot of time due to git tests, to cancel them, you can add the following line to /etc/paludis/options.conf - dev-scm / git build_options: -recommended_tests , however, it’s worth remember that Exherbo still under development, that is, you are responsible for the correctness of the packet assembly):
    Paludis -i Paludis

    Edi governmental affordable kernel in "pure» paludis - vanilla (with official, install it:
    paludis -i vanilla-sources

    Make symlink for / usr / src / linux:
    ln -sf /usr/src/linux-2.6.* / usr / src / linux

    Follow the standard kernel assembly steps:
    make menuconfig
    make && make modules_install
    cp arch / x86 / boot / bzImage /boot/linux-2.6 (the directory will be different for x86_64 architecture)

    Configure the time zone:
    cp / usr / share / zoneinfo / Europe / Moscow / etc / localtime

    Set the computer name:
    vim /etc/conf.d / hostname We

    configure the network, guided by the comments from /etc/conf.d/net.example:
    vim /etc/conf.d/net

    Set the root password:

    By analogy with gentoo, install some necessary system utilities:
    paludis -i syslog- ng
    paludis -i vixie-cron
    paludis -i dhcpcd

    Configure grub:
    vim /boot/grub/grub.conf

    The grub.conf file should look something like this: Install grub: grep -v rootfs / proc / mounts> / etc / mtab grub-install --no-floppy / dev / sda Ctrl + D Unmount the file systems: umount / exherbo / proc / exherbo / dev / exherbo / boot / exherbo Reboot: reboot After rebooting, it is highly recommended to rebuild the stage again: paludis -i --dl-reinstall always everything paludis -i world
    # Which listing to boot as default. 0 is the first, 1 the second etc.
    default 0
    # How many seconds to wait before the default listing is booted.
    timeout 30
    # Nice, fat splash-image to spice things up :)
    # Comment out if you don't have a graphics card installed

    title Exherbo Linux
    # Partition where the kernel image (or operating system) is located
    root (hd0,0)
    kernel /boot/linux- root=/dev/sda5

    title Exherbo Linux (rescue)
    # Partition where the kernel image (or operating system) is located
    root (hd0,0)
    kernel /boot/linux- root=/dev/sda5 init=/bin/bb

    That’s basically all, the output is a ready-to-use system, the installation is generally similar to the Gentoo installation, and in case of problems with it, you can use the Gentoo Handbook.

    Have a nice time with Exherbo!

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