God-mode walkthrough chrome

Original author: Gina Trapani
  • Transfer
Lifehacker today produced The Power User's Guide to Google Chrome, I just offer you a love-made translation of this material. Much of what is written will not open magic til for anyone, but it will come in handy for beginners or testing their knowledge and skills.

You have been enjoying the great features of Google Chrome and its high speed for almost a week, and now is the time to delve deeper into the less obvious functionality and features that you did not know about. Become a master of keyboard binds, take the speed under the roof and adjust the behavior and appearance of the browser as you want.

Mouse over Lame

Despite the fact that Google’s minimalist browser forgot to take all the goodies and bells and whistles we’re used to with it when it was released, Khromoi’s interface still has several useful features. Here are some tips to help you increase your browsing speed with the mouse:

  • Click and hold (or right-click) the "Forward" or "Back" button in the browser in order to get straight to the first or last page in the current tab.
  • If you have a link in the clipboard , right-click in the address field and select "Paste from memory and go to" to get to the page (in this way you skip another press on Enter or left click).
  • Click and enlarge any text field - a great opportunity for webmail, comments or input fields on forums where the area is too small to fit your skill.

Keyboard Shortcuts

If you don’t really like the mouse, consider yourself lucky. Google Chrome has a huge number of built-in keyboard binds (most of which exactly repeat them in Firefox), so they stretched their fingers, stretched from E to Komp and went:

  • (Chrome only) Ctrl + B shows and hides the bookmarks bar.
  • (Chrome only) Shift + Escape includes the Task Manager built into Chrome.
  • Ctrl + L makes the selection of the field with the page address.
  • Ctrl + L selects the field for the address and the entered query goes immediately to Google search.
  • Ctrl + T opens a new tab.
  • Ctrl + N opens a new window.
  • Ctrl + Shift + T opens the last closed tab.
  • (Chrome only) Ctrl + Shift + N opens a new window in incognito mode.
  • Ctrl + Tab allows you to view open tabs; Ctrl + Shift + Tab does the same, only in reverse order.
  • Ctrl + J opens the “Downloads.
  • Ctrl + W closes the current tab.
  • Ctrl + R reloads the current tab.
  • Ctrl + H opens the “History” tab.
  • Alt + Home loads your homepage.
  • Ctrl + 1 to 9 switches to the tab number you selected.
  • Ctrl ++, Ctrl + -, Ctrl + 0 respectively increases, decreases or returns to the original size the text on the page.

Improving your settings

Open the options window (click on the wrench and select “Options”) to fully customize Lame.

  • Set a few tabs as your home page . Despite the fact that the start page of Google Chrome, showing the most popular sites is very good, many of us want to skip this step and set the browser to display specific pages every time that we launch it. Like Firefox, Lame can open several “home” tabs. In the "Options" window, select "Basic", put a circle in "Open the following tabs" and enter the necessary URLs.

  • Open tabs from the last session automatically . Just like Firefox, Lame can automatically restore tabs from the last session of browsers. In the same place, in the options, just select "Restore last opened pages".
  • Add the "Home" button to the toolbar . The Khromoi toolbar is affectionately deprived of design and functionality, but if you have set up a home (or several) page, then I would like to get to it in 1 click. All the same, in the "Basic Settings" click on "Show the" Home Page "button on the toolbar."
  • Set the default download destination . The lame man constantly strives to save the files where the 3008 archaeological expedition finds them, and this is not just desirable, but needs to be fixed. There, in the parameters, but now in the “Basic” tab, simply select the folder in which you want to see all your porn photos and videos.

Guru of Launch Settings

As with any good open source software, Google Chrome has a long list (will be at the bottom) of "start switching". These are the parameters that you can use when loading Lame in order to control and configure its behavior.

Quick example : In order to use the “start-up setting”, create a new Chrome shortcut on your desktop (or whatever you have). Right-click, “Properties” and there, in the “Object” field, the address on the local computer where chrome.exe is located is registered. For example, your address using -disable-java (I hope it doesn’t need a translation) will look like:
"C: \ Users \ Shapelez \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ Application \ chrome.exe" -disable-java

With these small additions, you can:
  • Change the number of “assumptions” that the address input field offers. Increase or decrease the number of assumptions using "-omnibox-popup-count". Thus, in order to increase the number of options to 10, you need to add -omnibox-popup-count = 10.
  • Create and maintain multiple user profiles. Since Lame is able to use the template settings so much and well, you should want to create more than one virtual personality based on the essence of the task. For example: you can create Lame Work and Lame Surf profiles with different pageview settings. But since Chrome does not have this in a digestible form (like Firefox) - you have to do it with pens, since everything is elementary. Just create a new directory (for your user), and then using the start setting --user-data-dir enter the name of the desired user and the newly created folder. Woah la!
  • Overclock your browser by limiting functionality. If you want to browse without the annoying and heavy Flash, or Java, or even Javascript (although the developers at Google would not understand you, and the creators of V8 were offended) - this can be done. There is a fairly large list of “shutdowns” that you can enter in the start-up setting and surf as you like.

-disable -prompt-on-repost

  • Always launch Lame in the expanded window. Take advantage of all the free space that Chrome gives you. Using the start-up-max-maximized setup, the browser will always open in full screen.

Themes for the Lame

Changing Google Chrome clothes is also very easy: you just need to download a new theme and save its .dll to the “Themes” folder in your browser directory.
For Windows XP users, this is most likely:
C: \ Documents and Settings \ User \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Google \ Chrome \ Application.2.149.29 \ Themes \

For users of Windows Vista:
C: \ Users \ UserName \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ Application \ \ Themes \

You can read more about changing the Google Chrome theme and the Xchrome program here .

Discover the secret diagnostic information of Lame

And although Lame has no super-convenient about: config, like Firefox, it has several about: pages at once that show all kinds of interesting information about what happens behind the scenes while you read this material.
Full list - see for yourself, you will like it:
about: memory
about: stats
about: network
about: internets
about: histograms
about: dns
about: cache
about: crash
about: plugins
about: version

In addition, you can go to two special pages from each site, this: view-cache: [URL] shows you some cache details and view-source: [URL] showing the page layout.

Extra buns

While Lame still does not support extensions, some macros, bookmarklets and so on, which is so lacking in it, can partially be fixed.

  • Block ads in Chrome using Privoxy. Using a free web proxy and an application that blocks ads, you can stop getting nervous about this. Detailed instructions are already on Habré and it is here .
  • View RSS feeds of pages or print a page with one click using the bookmarklet. For lack of extensions, good old bookmarklets. Here is the bookmarklet for auto-detecting and viewing the site’s RSS feed, and here is the one that prints the page with one click (or you can simply use Ctrl + P).
  • Open pages from Firefox in Chrome . If you surf in Firefox and Chrome (like me, for example), but prefer Lame for specific pages, then the smart guys have already done everything. You just need to download open-in-google-chrome.xpi to your desktop, drag and drop the file into Firefox and install the extension.

  • Run Lame from a flash drive. When you are traveling or running from office to office, a portable, installation - free version of Chrome is very useful .
  • Be anonymous if required. Chrome Anonymizer encrypts your unique ID and makes it impossible to track what you do there.

Drop your Google brand and go to Open Source

Switch to the frequently updated and free version of Chrome called Chromium . You can install the latest versions for Windows or download the source code and make your own version for Mac and Linux.

And in order to always stay on the wave of the latest update for Chromium, you can use the Chrome Nightly Builds Updater utility .

A look into the future

Rumor has it that Chrome will soon be released for Mac and Linux, along with extensions and add-ons, without which Lame is not nice. Plus - it will be the main browser in the upcoming Android mobile platform.

And the promised "long list" of startup settings:
-testshell -startup-dialog
-safe -plugins
-debug -print

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