Thursday, September 4

    Events :
    Skype guys will come to HL ++ .
    Preliminary program Russian Internet Week 2008.
    2008 Open Source CMS Award .
    Google revoked the spy line from the user agreement .
    Smart-masses (the best store) is now friends with Habr .

    Dramas and offers :
    SEO drama with links.

    Design and usability :
    Extraordinary sharpening in Photoshop.
    Convenient design preview .
    There are thousands of them (icons) .

    Gadgets / Technology :
    RDIF Chipin Pirelli tires . (Ð)
    The waterproof technology of the “ion mask” goes to the masses . (Ð)
    Philips alarm clock simulating dawn and sleep on the banks of a stream. (Ð)
    Raon Everun Note: A powerful kid . (Ð) A
    steel spider will smash Liverpool on Friday. (Ð)

    Development :
    .NET nConsoler : parsing arguments to a console application.
    jQuery PDF tutorial .
    MySQL performance tips & tricks .
    Multitasking applications on PHP V5 .
    Cache Theory, Part Two .
    ImplementationLive Viewer in Ruby.

    Releases :
    Django 1.0 .
    ReSharper 4.1 .

    Another fucking startup : I
    did it all - a quick start.
    Bookmix is ​​another ... well, you get the point .

    Useful :
    Eset vs. Kaspersky: FIGHT !
    A new kind of SMO spam.
    Temporary solution to block ads on Google Chrome.
    Knock on Google Bookmarks from Chrome .
    Mouse movements in Chrome. Runner
    Circular Analysis .
    Bluetooth and Vista .
    Practical necrophilia with the IBM 55SX .
    Free participation in RHS for students .
    Self-organization in web development.

    Chemistry textbook : Cr.
    Traffic is growing , backbones are being freed.
    chrome: // in Firefox 3. Android
    Easter Eggs .
    FF3 with TraceMonkey is faster than Chrome .
    Yesterday's a million Habrahabr.
    Edward Yorton and Death March .
    Unusual hypostasis of barcodes.
    Google and the launch of the GeoEye1 satellite.
    Mobile phone for children with poor coordination and interesting consequences.
    Opera 's opinion of Google Chrome.
    Counts of arbitrary texts.
    Password bypass in MS Word .
    Ruby on the Chrome V8 Browser Virtual Machine .
    Photo hosting to mask spam .
    How to make Open ID popular.
    Belarusian problems Yandex.Maps.

    Podcasts :
    AppleInsider Release 10 .
    Dose, Issue 023 (caution, author under the dose).

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