Free IBM Connections Mobile

Application versions exist for the most popular mobile platforms: Android , iOS and Blackberry. The mobile application connects to a server based on Windows or Linux Connector installed in your office. If IBM Connections is not used in your business, but you want to look at the functionality of the application and try it out, you can do it. Register on the Lotus Greenhouse website (you fill out an application, it is considered and if everything is fine, you are assigned a username and password - I reviewed my application for 5 minutes), after which the same data is used to enter the mobile application. When the application asks you about the URL to connect to the server - specify greenhouse.lotus.com/mobile
Of course, in addition to mobile applications, there are desktop versions that still remain paid. But here, there’s a loophole for your favorite habrayuzer - if you really want to see what Connections looks like, but you don’t see the point in downloading the application, try the cloud version of LotusLive (it used to be called Lotus Connections). Despite the fact that the monthly fee is $ 7.50 per user per month, there is a 60-day trial period that everyone can use.

In addition to various social features, we also added additional functionality to mobile applications, which depends on the operating system installed on the device:
- Partial deletion of information from Apple iOS devices. This is a relatively new feature that allows the corporate Connections administrator to delete all company-owned information from the device, leaving the owner’s data intact.
- For owners of Android OS added the ability to make a call directly from the calendar. While this feature is in beta, but Lotus Notes Traveler allows users of IBM mail (that is, Lotus) to call people indicated in the application calendar with one click.
- Only for Blackberry owners the possibility of online meetings is supported, this requires installed OSv6.
By the way, Traveler- This is another IBM product of the Lotus family, it is a mobile application that provides two-way synchronization of email and PIM data between Domino servers and a mobile device.
IBM is the largest user of this product - this is unlikely to surprise you, because if a product does not satisfy its own needs, then it is unlikely to satisfy others. If you look a little back at the evolution of services for corporate communication, you can see the movement towards the end user: in the early 80s, IBM worked with PROFS, a system of circulation of letters that worked on mainframes and also had a calendar, and a common repository of documents. After that came the era of Officevision, which was essentially the same product for desktops and "mini-computers" - remember the days of OS / 2. Finally, after the merger with Lotus Development, the movement began toward Notes, which was a huge success, as the application was written really well. And now, in the rhythm of the rapid development of Internet services and social media, Connections finally leaned towards the user, giving him opportunities that had never happened before.
And finally, one of the new and interesting features of Connections is that now you can see the organizational hierarchy of your contacts. For any large company or corporation, this is literally a bonanza: you can look at what data the head of the boss receives, or find an employee of the regional / international branch of your company who is currently helping one of your clients leave. The range of possible applications of such information is truly enormous.