About Kovodstvo
A true designer should:
1. Read the Crafts;
2. To realize that he is the smartest;
3. Poke your mind and Kovodstvo in the face of the rest.
After all, not only one seems strange to me the reaction of most novice (and not only) designers to Kovodstvo? Why does a guy after reading this incorruptible begin to think that he is the center of the world? One gets the impression that Kovodstvo does not so much teach as it makes a person think that he has learned something.
It is very difficult to force a person to engage in education (self-education) after Covodism. Why study if he already knows everything necessary for the profession? So it turns out that Lebedev’s work does not contribute to the development of design in Russia, but only slows it down.

However, Kovodstvo still performs the main task. Promotes the Studio and personally Lebedev in the most successful way.
1. Read the Crafts;
2. To realize that he is the smartest;
3. Poke your mind and Kovodstvo in the face of the rest.
After all, not only one seems strange to me the reaction of most novice (and not only) designers to Kovodstvo? Why does a guy after reading this incorruptible begin to think that he is the center of the world? One gets the impression that Kovodstvo does not so much teach as it makes a person think that he has learned something.
It is very difficult to force a person to engage in education (self-education) after Covodism. Why study if he already knows everything necessary for the profession? So it turns out that Lebedev’s work does not contribute to the development of design in Russia, but only slows it down.

However, Kovodstvo still performs the main task. Promotes the Studio and personally Lebedev in the most successful way.