dribbler.ru and its social value

    Waiting for dribbler.ru to open (unless of course it ever opens). I want to see what he will be like and whether something really new and interesting for football fans will appear in him.

    True, I am increasingly asking myself whether there will be any “reasonable” activity on the site. After all, football is something much more emotional than IT or cars. Karma on Habré is a relatively good measure of the "adequacy" of the user. But will it be the same good tool on Dribbler? .. And will the site go down to posts like “Judge ***”, “Meat-suckers” or “Horse shit”. It’s also interesting whether there will be web-based battles of fans or flash mobs, when fans of one team will massively lower karma to fans of another (unless, of course, karma is there at all).

    Football is a game, which means there are fewer opportunities for analytics, interesting articles, but more for rumors and skirmishes. Well - let's see. I hope to wait not long.

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