Installing and Configuring Apache2 + PHP5 + MySQL + XDebug & Eclipse + PDT + XDebug on Ubuntu 7.10

    In this topic, I will tell you how to install and configure Apache2 + PHP5 + MySQL + virtual hosts + xdebug, as well as XDebug in Eclipse + PDT.

    Install MySQL
    Open the terminal and write with pens:
    1. sudo apt-get install mysql-server
    2. After installation, the dialog for creating the root password for MySQL should open, if this does not happen, then write:
    sudo mysqladmin -u root password XXXX
    where XXXX is your password
    3. Now install the GUI for managing the MySQL database:
    sudo apt-get install mysql-admin
    MySQL is installed.

    Install Apache2 and PHP5
    Again, make the pens:
    1. sudo apt-get install apache2
    2. Now connect to the new php5 apache, along with the libraries for working with MySQL and graphics:
    sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql php-image-graph imagemagick
    3. After installation, restart the Apache:
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    Check the performance of our web server - go to the browser and write :
    localhost / apache2-default An
    inscription should appear: “It works!”.
    Default directories:
    / var / www / - scripts and user files;
    / etc / php5 / and / etc / apache2 / - configuration files php5 and apache2;
    4. Check the performance of PHP5. Create the phpinfo.php file: Enter the following
    sudo gedit /var/www/phpinfo.php
    into it:

    5. Save it and go to the link: localhost / phpinfo.php
    If the info about php5 appears - everything is ok! We

    configure Virtual Hosts for Apache2
    1. Enter in the terminal:
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
    2.sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
    3.We will comment out everything that is after the line "NameVirtualHost" (put the line "#" at the beginning of the line);
    4. Here I will show 3 ways to create virtual hosts. At the end of the file, add the following lines: Do not forget to create the directories specified in DocumentRoot'ah. 5. Go to System> Administration> Network. Go to the "Sites" tab. We are looking for the ip-shnik "". Have you chosen? - click "Properties". Add the following entries: localhost namebased 6. Next, click “Add” and enter the ip-address to which we want the ipbased host to respond. In the field "Aliases" enter: ipbased 7. 8. That's it! Check hosts: ipbased , localhost , namebased , , http: // [ip-address of the ipbased host] Install XDebug and connect it to PHP5

    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost/www
    ServerName localhost
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined

    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    DocumentRoot /var/www/ipbased/www
    ServerName ipbased
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
    TransferLog /var/log/apache2/access.log

    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    DocumentRoot /var/www/namebased/www
    ServerName namebased
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
    TransferLog /var/log/apache2/access.log

    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start

    If you installed Apache and Php according to the instructions above, then it's time to show how to install and glue the xdebug debugger to this:
    1. In the terminal, enter:
    sudo apt-get install php-pear php5-dev
    2. Next:
    sudo pecl install xdebug
    At this point, an error like the following might pop up: is using a unsupported protocal - This should never happen.
    install failed

    It is treated with the following commands:
    # cd `pear config-get php_dir`
    # mv .channels .channels-broken
    # pear update-channels

    3. Now open php.ini:
    sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
    XDebug is in / usr / lib / php5 / 20060613 + lfs / (if you installed the server, follow these instructions). Perhaps the last directory may be different. Want - find :).
    Small tuning for the current item:
    • tuning number 1:
      By default, extensions are stored in a directory of the form / usr / lib / php5 / 20060613 + lfs. I don’t like this way, so I suggest changing the directory to / usr / lib / php5 / ext and writing the changes in php.ini
      sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
      Replace; extension_dir = '. /' With extension_dir = “/ usr / lib / php5 / ext /”.

      Thanks S2nek .
    • tuning number 2:
      I would suggest putting the lines regarding xdebug in /etc/php5/conf.d/xdebug.ini. It’s really more convenient.

      Thanks develop7 .

    So, we write at the end of the php.ini file (xdebug.ini, if you used tuning number 2) the following: That's it. We are done with the server :) Install Eclipse + PDT and configure XDebug 1 in it . Download Eclipse SDK v3.3.1.1:
    zend_extension="/usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/" ;("/usr/lib/php5/ext/", если использовали тюннинг №1)
    xdebug.profiler_output_dir = "/home/yourhome/projects/tmp_xdebug" ;здесь директория для сохранения результатов профилировщика

    2. Unpack the eclipse into the directory of your choice, launch it and go to Help> Software Updates> Find and Install
    if, at startup, the eclipse makes a fuss that it says “there is no Java” :), then we type the following command in the terminal with the handles:
    sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

    3. Select "Search for new features to install"
    4. In the next window, click "New Remote Site ..."
    5. In the "Name" field, enter "PDT Updates", and in the "URL" - " / tools / pdt / updates . " We check all the mirrors. Next>
    6. As soon as the search is over, open “PDT Updates” and check the box next to “PDT SDK ...”. Also do not forget to click "Select Required" to install the necessary components
    7. Restart Eclipse
    8. Go to Window> Open Perspective> PHP. If there is such a menu item - everything is ok. If not, try these options:
    • 1st option:
      I got this problem due to the java virtual machine. I installed java-6-sun, then installed eclipse + pdt. PHP Perspectives was absent (although I installed All in one)
      As a result, the command helped:
      sudo update-alternatives --config java
      I chose java-6-sun installed there, launched Eclipse - voila. everything is

      Thanks ewgRa .
    • 2nd option:
      We go syudy

    9. Go to Window> Prefernces ...> PHP> PHP Servers.
    10. Click "New." In the "Name" field, enter "My Site On localhost", below - " localhost ". Next Finish
    11. Now go to Window> Prefernces ...> PHP> Debug. We select the following settings:
    PHP Debugger: XDebug
    Server: My Site On localhost
    PHP Executable: None Defined
    12. Go to Window> Prefernces ...> General> Web Browser. If the checkbox “Use internal Web Browser” is hidden, then click “New” and add your favorite browser.
    13. That's it! We create a PHP project and rejoice. If we are not happy, we smoke manuals on :)

    I hope I haven’t forgotten anything;)

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