Beyond the browser: How to enable payment acceptance


    Summer is hot and I don’t feel like writing about accounting. Therefore, we decided to start a series of articles describing the work of our SAAS service from the inside. We will write about purely technical things (payment processing, security, technical support), and about how we grew from a promising startup to a self-supporting business - about money, about people, about the problems of any young business and how to overcome them. If you are interested in something else - write in the comments or in PM.

    Payment processing

    So, at some point you understand that you want to start accepting money from the user for your services and begin to think how you better do it. Below I will describe the systems with which we started working and on which we ended up stopping. Everything presented in the article is only our experience, in no case is advertising and reflects only our opinion. Perhaps somewhere we were just unlucky, but somewhere on the contrary luck contributed.

    Direct connection to Yandex Money

    For about a week, brains soared as a result did not connect. At first, they were looking for official excuses for a long time to refuse, then when all the requirements were fulfilled they stupidly wrote that they did not want to work with new services until they reached constant profit. A typical vicious circle - in order to connect the poison, it is necessary that there are already turns on the poison. Now that we have reached the speed needed by the Poison, I see no reason to leave the aggregator.

    Direct connection to Web Money

    They think for a long time, but they allow you to connect directly to services with any turnover. We did not connect directly, because by the time WM matured, they were already working with the aggregator and it was too lazy to change something.


    Here it is very important not to make a mistake with the choice. At first, we made a big mistake by choosing SpryPay as an aggregator. There are a lot of aggregators that are similar to sprays - all of them are characterized by the fact that depending on the method of payment, a different amount is taken from the user and payment is done through such an ass that even if the user is not protected from changing the amount from the payment method, then he is guaranteed to be protected from the process itself .

    With this aggregator, there were 72% failures (the user started to pay, but did not finish). This is simply a disastrously large figure.

    Most of these aggregators are their characteristic features.
    • Different amount of payment depending on the method of payment
    • Card processing using LiqPay or similar services that require registration at home
    • There are no clear data on commissions on the system’s website, or rather they are, but either are hidden or written so that it is impossible to understand anything

    Better to work for free than to work with such an aggregator. At that time, tech support was simply torn apart due to constant problems and misunderstandings with payments.

    The only adequate aggregator that we managed to find and which works with a start-up business was Robokassa ( ). There is convenient payment by VISA / MASTERCARD cards, a single price for the buyer and a single commission (5%) regardless of the payment method. Money is transferred to your current account + you can request all the documents. In general, it’s very nice if it weren’t for the work of those support - the site has all the documentation, but if a question suddenly arises, then they answer very slowly. The answer to our one request came in 5 days.

    Acceptance of card payments

    Sooner or later, the question arises of direct connection to card processing. The main advantage compared to aggregators is the ability to cancel any transaction on the card so that it returns back to the buyer. This is sometimes necessary when the client mistakenly paid a large amount, or connected to a more expensive tariff. Well, the second plus - the money immediately falls into the current account for each transaction, and not once a month as when working with the aggregator.

    Here you need to tune in to the fact that the process of direct connection of cards is very long with a bunch of pieces of paper and takes an average of one month. And they can refuse at any time.

    It is very important that the user can make payment without registering on the processing server - therefore, we immediately discard liqpay and oceanbank and essentially a fairly small list refused immediately because of small turns at the start, refused three weeks after the start of the connection without even explaining why. With RBC money relations did not work out at all for various reasons.

    We already wanted to spit on a direct connection to the plastic, but managers contacted us . And further communication with these guys was very pleasantly surprised. In my opinion, this is an example of how managers in the payment system should work.
    By the time we started the connection, we were so messed up with this matter that we were already slowing down when filling out documents and grumbling very little things. So, Peyonline’s manager called us himself, helped by phone with paperwork, constantly kept up to date on how the process is going on their side, resolved all issues from the technical side - after talking to all other processings, it’s just heaven and earth. A lot of formalities like everyone else, but firstly they work with the business at the start, secondly they help a lot with filling out all this bundle of documents, thirdly they have very good technical support.


    Here everything is decided by those support and API for work. In general, the conditions for SMS are not much different. We work with and are completely satisfied. At the connection stage, their support answered on Sunday 20 minutes after the request and not just answered, but sent a ready-written piece of code for integration. After that, we loved them and did not even look to the side :) Inside, everything is convenient and affordable. Wash API is the strongest on the market. I won’t write about others, just because of the terrible work of those support of all whom we have addressed.


    • Begin the process of connecting your service to payment at least a month before you plan to start accepting payment.
    • Be sure to watch out for payment denials. If the failure percentage is above 15%, this is an indicator of the problem.
    • Crap processing can cut your income by 2/3
    • Check that the payment amount for the user is not different for all payment methods.
    • Be sure to make some real payments for your service for each payment method yourself to make sure that there are no hidden registrations and payment will not be a problem for the user
    • Heat, damn it, sickened!

    Good luck!

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