Top 15 Leopard Tips
Almost a month has passed since the release of Leopard and we had enough time to "play" with this OS and get used to it. Here are the 15 best Leopard tips we've come across this month.
Collect all windows in one space (Space)
In the Spaces overview mode (by default, the F8 key leads there), press the C button (in the English layout) to collect all windows in one space with a pleasant effect. If you hold Shift while doing this, it will happen slowly.
Enlarge / reduce pdf documents and pictures in QuickLook
When you view PDF documents or image files using QuickLook, just click on the image with the Option key pressed, or Shift-Option to increase and decrease, respectively. In the case of PDF, you can use the keyboard shortcuts Cmd = and Cmd - for this.
Enable path display in Finder.
On the View menu, click Show Path Bar to see the path to your file. You can also click with Ctrl or the right button on any folder from this path and perform any actions on it.
Quickly send a window to another space (Spaces)
Leopard supports "pushing" windows into other "spaces". Just take the window out of the edge of the screen and wait a second. The window will fly into the appropriate space.
Address Book Effects
The address book borrowed a lot from Photo Booths. Just click on Edit for one of the contacts, then on the picture and on the small button with a "twisted" icon. This will allow you to produce many effects with photography.
Quick access to system information
When diagnosing someone’s poppy, you want to get into System Profiler as quickly as possible. If you click on the apple with the Option key held down, the About This Mac item will turn into "System Profiler ...".
Add “recent things” to the stack in the dock
You can add a stack of recently opened programs / documents to the dock. To do this, simply open a terminal and write:
defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-others -array-add '{"tile-data" = {"list-type" = 1; }; "Tile-type" = "recents-tile"; } '
followed by KillAll Dock to reload the dock. Right-click on the stack to choose what the last one should consist of.
Automatically exit the print program after printing
One of my favorite complaints about the Leopard is that the printer program (Printer) itself does not exit after everything prints. Well, all you need to do is right-click on its icon in the dock and select the Auto-Quit option in the menu. This will cause the program to end when printing is complete.
Remove spotlight from the menu bar (top menu bar)
If you want to remove the spotlight from the menu bar, just open the terminal and run the command
sudo chmod 0 /System/Library/CoreServices/Spotlight.app
To turn it back on, do
sudo chmod 755 /System/Library/CoreServices/Spotlight.app
Permanently delete files from saved Time Machine copies.
While navigating to Time Machine, go to the Present View and click on the small gear icon highlighting the file that was sentenced to deletion. Select “Delete all Time Machine backups” and it will disappear forever.
Quickly enable / disable folder access
If you want to quickly share a folder with someone from the local network, select it and press Cmd + I to go to the folder information window (Get Info). Check the box next to Shared Folder and other guys will have access to it.
Delete words from dictionary (spell checker)
In Leopard, it is easy to delete accidentally “learned” words from the dictionary. All you have to do is right-click on the word that you want to make the dictionary forget and select “unlearn”. However, this does not work in all applications.
Use the default advanced print menu The
Leopard comes with a very convenient advanced Print View window that allows you to view the pages you are going to print (very convenient for printing web pages), however, you always need to click on the small arrow button. to get there. If you want to make the extended view of the window turn on by default, in the terminal
defaults write -g PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool TRUE
to do this for all users
defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool TRUE
Make the names in the Finder sidebar lowercase
Many people do not like the capital letters in the Finder sidebar. To change them into small ones, go to
/System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ (for other languages - corresponding to the names of the folders),
just in case, save the LocalizableCore.strings file and change the letters in the lines from 50 to 53 on small
“SD5” = “Devices”;
“SD6” = “Shared”;
“SD7” = “Search for”;
“SD8” = “Places”;
Save the file and restart the finder by commanding “killall Finder in the terminal ".
View detailed Wi-Fi connection information (AirPort)
In friendship with Wi-Fi, Leopard dramatically outperforms its predecessor. Now it’s even easier to get detailed information about the access points you contacted. By pressing the Option key on the Wi-Fi icon in the menu bar, you can see the MAC address, channel, signal strength (RSSI) and even transmission speed. Very convenient for users with increased mobility.
And also:
Kill a three-dimensional dock
To make a three-dimensional distracting dock two-dimensional and less distracting, just type
defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean YES; killall dock
in terminal. Well, and accordingly
defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean NO; killall dock
to get everything back.
To make the menubar opaque (like in the Tiger)
... you can use the command
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.WindowServer 'EnvironmentVariables' -dict 'CI_NO_BACKGROUND_IMAGE' 0.63 in the terminal.
The lower the last number, the more transparent the menu bar.
Info by ru_mac_fuck , asked to post. Discussion is welcome)
Collect all windows in one space (Space)
In the Spaces overview mode (by default, the F8 key leads there), press the C button (in the English layout) to collect all windows in one space with a pleasant effect. If you hold Shift while doing this, it will happen slowly.
Enlarge / reduce pdf documents and pictures in QuickLook
When you view PDF documents or image files using QuickLook, just click on the image with the Option key pressed, or Shift-Option to increase and decrease, respectively. In the case of PDF, you can use the keyboard shortcuts Cmd = and Cmd - for this.
Enable path display in Finder.
On the View menu, click Show Path Bar to see the path to your file. You can also click with Ctrl or the right button on any folder from this path and perform any actions on it.
Quickly send a window to another space (Spaces)
Leopard supports "pushing" windows into other "spaces". Just take the window out of the edge of the screen and wait a second. The window will fly into the appropriate space.
Address Book Effects
The address book borrowed a lot from Photo Booths. Just click on Edit for one of the contacts, then on the picture and on the small button with a "twisted" icon. This will allow you to produce many effects with photography.
Quick access to system information
When diagnosing someone’s poppy, you want to get into System Profiler as quickly as possible. If you click on the apple with the Option key held down, the About This Mac item will turn into "System Profiler ...".
Add “recent things” to the stack in the dock
You can add a stack of recently opened programs / documents to the dock. To do this, simply open a terminal and write:
defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-others -array-add '{"tile-data" = {"list-type" = 1; }; "Tile-type" = "recents-tile"; } '
followed by KillAll Dock to reload the dock. Right-click on the stack to choose what the last one should consist of.
Automatically exit the print program after printing
One of my favorite complaints about the Leopard is that the printer program (Printer) itself does not exit after everything prints. Well, all you need to do is right-click on its icon in the dock and select the Auto-Quit option in the menu. This will cause the program to end when printing is complete.
Remove spotlight from the menu bar (top menu bar)
If you want to remove the spotlight from the menu bar, just open the terminal and run the command
sudo chmod 0 /System/Library/CoreServices/Spotlight.app
To turn it back on, do
sudo chmod 755 /System/Library/CoreServices/Spotlight.app
Permanently delete files from saved Time Machine copies.
While navigating to Time Machine, go to the Present View and click on the small gear icon highlighting the file that was sentenced to deletion. Select “Delete all Time Machine backups” and it will disappear forever.
Quickly enable / disable folder access
If you want to quickly share a folder with someone from the local network, select it and press Cmd + I to go to the folder information window (Get Info). Check the box next to Shared Folder and other guys will have access to it.
Delete words from dictionary (spell checker)
In Leopard, it is easy to delete accidentally “learned” words from the dictionary. All you have to do is right-click on the word that you want to make the dictionary forget and select “unlearn”. However, this does not work in all applications.
Use the default advanced print menu The
Leopard comes with a very convenient advanced Print View window that allows you to view the pages you are going to print (very convenient for printing web pages), however, you always need to click on the small arrow button. to get there. If you want to make the extended view of the window turn on by default, in the terminal
defaults write -g PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool TRUE
to do this for all users
defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool TRUE
Make the names in the Finder sidebar lowercase
Many people do not like the capital letters in the Finder sidebar. To change them into small ones, go to
/System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ (for other languages - corresponding to the names of the folders),
just in case, save the LocalizableCore.strings file and change the letters in the lines from 50 to 53 on small
“SD5” = “Devices”;
“SD6” = “Shared”;
“SD7” = “Search for”;
“SD8” = “Places”;
Save the file and restart the finder by commanding “killall Finder in the terminal ".
View detailed Wi-Fi connection information (AirPort)
In friendship with Wi-Fi, Leopard dramatically outperforms its predecessor. Now it’s even easier to get detailed information about the access points you contacted. By pressing the Option key on the Wi-Fi icon in the menu bar, you can see the MAC address, channel, signal strength (RSSI) and even transmission speed. Very convenient for users with increased mobility.
And also:
Kill a three-dimensional dock
To make a three-dimensional distracting dock two-dimensional and less distracting, just type
defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean YES; killall dock
in terminal. Well, and accordingly
defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean NO; killall dock
to get everything back.
To make the menubar opaque (like in the Tiger)
... you can use the command
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.WindowServer 'EnvironmentVariables' -dict 'CI_NO_BACKGROUND_IMAGE' 0.63 in the terminal.
The lower the last number, the more transparent the menu bar.
Info by ru_mac_fuck , asked to post. Discussion is welcome)