Mylopikch - elegant protection against spambots.

Initially, the concept was to enable visitors to enter their own email service provider. This option had enough of both “+” and “-”. The first stone about which I stumbled was some sort of dullness and everydayness of the generated picture. Having experimented a little with different design styles, I realized that I wouldn’t put such a picture in my signature, it looked too miserable. Further, knowledgeable people hinted at the rather simple recognition of such gifs by e-mail robots. Considering these two facts, it was decided to slightly change the concept of the project.
At the moment, “Mylopikch” generates, in my opinion, pretty eye-friendly icons that, in addition, they complicate the work of the “harvesters” a bit:

There are now fifteen of the most popular email providers in the database. Mylopikch works in beta testing mode. Together we are looking for all kinds of bugs and shortcomings. I will be glad if any of you join. I’m also always happy to hear criticism and suggestions :)
For the future, it is planned to introduce a number of new functions, including the possibility of adding an email provider to the database by visitors, naturally with pre-moderation. This function would allow not only users of large email services to play soapboxes, but also ordinary corporate and entertainment resources that provide mailbox registration services.
I will be glad to hear the opinions, suggestions, comments and ideas of habralyuda.