IM + user account = new web user profile technology

    This is an excerpt from the blog post IM ( link ) on the original mechanism for registration and authorization on the site + a couple of thoughts on integrating the web with our daily lives.


    There are different systems and ways of organizing affairs, reminders of them.
    I once had two icq uin'a (working \ home) for these purposes. Those. instead of letters, I sent im-messages to myself so that upon arrival (understand correctly) I would not forget to do important things. Until recently, unfortunately, I used two jabber accounts for the same purposes (even the idea of ​​priorities cannot help here).

    But everything has changed

    To start using you need to register. How? Remember the “newgen user account”? And if so, then for registration and "entry" you just need to add the following contact to the list / roster .

    AIM: IMified
    Google Talk: (my choice and below I will tell you why)

    User account

    So, the service itself assumes you have one of the protocols for exchanging quick messages and provides the listed bots for manipulating the service. Accordingly, after authorization (by adding you to the list by that party), which takes a couple of seconds, you get the opportunity to use the service and your im-contact is the "key" to registration and here the fun begins.

    The dialog looks as follows:

    Using 1-4 commands, select the desired one. Actually, everything is clear here.

    To enter your account, click 4:

    Actually this is your password to enter. You don’t need to remember anything, you don’t need mail and user data (they are taken from the profile of the IM account), you only need a contact. By pressing “4” a link will appear (with a live session), which is likely to work for a certain time. or maybe not yet activated by calling.

    My Account offers delicious buns for a more comfortable use of the service. All actions in My Account will instantly take effect in the IM bot.

    Widgets: routines that allow you to interact interactively with other services on the Internet. From the popular ones: Delicious - post bookmarks to your account, Live Journal, WordPress, Blogger, Twitter + Jaiku (today there was news that Google bought Jaiku, and this widget allows you to post to both Twitter and Yaika), Tumblr - to post to the blog, Google Calendar - and so it is clear, Braingle - watch teasers, NetLookup - tools Ping, traceroute, alexa, whois, enum. The list is quite large.

    Agree, convenient. IMified Notes, IMified Reminders,
    IMified Todos already seen above are also widgets and can be customized (albeit not overly broad - you can change the name :)

    The WordPress widget is simply handsome: it supports Russian, asks for a title, body and whether to publish what is written. However, it does not ask about the category and, it seems, does not post an html format.

    IMified has its own API for developing its widgets:

    Similar can be seen in the original Twitter. As I understand it, you can post there from the jabber-bot too.

    Shortcuts Shortcuts
    for actions for added widgets (services)
    are set; they are entered to the bot in the form of / shortcut.

    Account Settings
    All you need is taken from the user-info of your IM account. You need to set GMT-time for the correct operation of notifications.

    to-do list + bonus reminder

    There is no particular need to explain about Notes and Todo - and so everything is clear.
    We return to the reminders, the advantages of using a Gtalk account and rejecting "double" accounts.

    A reminder can be set as follows:

    Apparently, there are enough opportunities.

    As you know, the undoubted plus of Google Talk is that it stores history on the server, combines both XMPP (or jabber) and email records, which allows, unlike, say, an account on , to receive both IM messages and mail to one name. Sent mail to will return back, because no one lives at that address.

    So, if we use a Gtalk account and the event fires when we are online, the bot will carefully remind you of the planned case (in my case, the links in the text of the reminder to Miranda will be parsed and provided in an html clickable format). If we are suddenly offline (on the way home from work and vice versa), we will again receive a notification, but to the mail, if it will be opened before the IM client (curtsy towards Steve Jobs with sending mail to ourselves ) And it's damn convenient! It is no longer necessary to have two accounts (I have 6 of them in total somewhere) for this type of notification. As they say, it doesn’t matter what others have, it matters that you have Jabber. And with the prevalence of mobile clients for this protocol, you can stay online forever and be able to both create and remind about events.

    Security and privacy

    Secrecy is achieved by encrypting data through AES 128 bit encryption. Learn more at . If you use the Gtalk-method of communicating with the bot, you don’t have to worry about it anymore - a forced SSL connection will do its own thing when accessing valuable widgets or data.


    I called this post new web technology, because this is the first service where I came across a similar method of authorization, usability and extensibility. I will be happy to follow the growing list of widgets (for it would be interesting to get a widget, and indeed widgets for sites that provide textual information) and expect similar ways to combine http: // and xmpp: // since these technology, as I tried to show, the future. And reminders in such a manifestation, albeit pampering for the creators (everything was clearly designed for a much bigger purpose), provide convenience for the user and talk about a systematic approach to designing the service, which is encouraging.

    Lyrical abstract digression

    You can talk a lot about the reminder systems for a long time, but they do not take into account the main factor - human activity. We are free to set the trigger time, and that's it. Think, in all existing programs and systems we can only set when, in time, a window pops up and a signal sounds (sound, vibration, email, sms) that attracts attention. If we deviate from the planned routine (calendar), all notifications go at random and in a scythe and require rework.

    But there is a very interesting, in my opinion, correct approach to monitoring activity, and it was proposed in devices on the S60 (Symbian from Nokia) - a program (I’m trying to recall the name, like something ... GSM ... cell ... ?) included the triggering of an event remotely to the base station, switching to a specific broadcast. It didn’t work correctly (the BS population in our Chekaginsk affects), but the approach is important.

    We can notify a person by his geographical location (the method is not important - GSM, GPS, WiFi for mobile devices) or for a special device any frequency, radiation level, traffic jams, temperature, activity of the UFO publishing its records. This gives a new level of freedom.

    For me personally, it would be the geographic factor that was important (I am terribly dysfunctional and sometimes forget to check the list of necessary cases in the PDA), because I could plan and set things ahead of time, knowing where I will be, where I am going from or where I am arriving, and plan notifications on my way. There is no GPS-device and there wasn’t, but, I dare to suggest that there is such a function (I’ll be very surprised if you didn’t think of it). However, a more popular method would be using popular gadgets, where everything is already there. As they say, I put the idea to create services with software (multi-platform) attached to them, which choose the tracking method and revolutionize the planning and notification of the user about events.

    All note: Good luck there

    Crosspost to your blog .

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