Practical cases of blockchain use in backup, processing and identification
In this article, we are the team of the Wirex blockchain service, we will tell you more about the initiatives and cases of the implementation of the Acronis blockchain, QIWI and WebMoney.
The company Acronis, specializing in the development of backup systems, this spring announced its collaboration with Ethereum.
In early October, Acronis introduced the blockchain solution for the automotive industry to the market. The company has developed a technology that serves as a "black box" for unmanned vehicles.
The software product is designed for the emerging market. A number of major automakers, including Tesla, Volvo, Mercedes and Volkswagen are preparing to present vehicles moving without human participation in the control process. The emergence of unmanned cars on the roads entails the need to develop new accounting systems for violators. Acronis proposed a blockchain technology, which is a registry in which the work processes of each unmanned vehicle are recorded. In the event of an accident, this solution allows you to understand the situation and determine the guilty side. The blockchain technology eliminates the possibility of data being changed by the automaker in the event of an accident with an unmanned car issued by it.
For Acronis, this is not the first case from the automotive industry. At the moment the company is alreadypresented a solution for monitoring the technical condition of a Formula 1 pilot racing car of the WestCoast Racing team of Mikhail Grachev.
On October 20, it became known that a new Acronis blockchain solution for storing data — software-defined storage — was released.(software-defined storage / SDS). The technology of the distributed registry ensures the immutability of data in the storage and allows you to determine their authenticity. The system is designed to reduce the cost of service providers to store information. The solution uses Acronis Notary blockchain technology, which confirms the authenticity of the data. Acronis Notary generates a hash with a time stamp and enters it into the blockchain. Acronis also uses its software-defined storage in its own business processes.
According to Acronis vice-president for blockchain Viktor Lysenko, in addition to the SDS solution, Acronis also integrated the blockchain technology into the corporate system of secure file exchange Acronis Access Advanced , as well as home backup software Acronis True Image.
Acronis blockchain solutions are based on Ethereum.
The international payment service QIWI also shows interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. More than a year ago - in September 2015, the media reported on QIWI’s plans to launch bitrubley - the Russian cryptocurrency. However, the initiative did not meet with real support from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which refused in the summer of this year to agree on a draft of the national cryptocurrency.
However, Bitruble is not the only QIWI initiative associated with the blockchain. In April, the payment service announcedabout the test implementation of the blockchain technology in its processing. QIWI representatives listed a number of flaws in their current centralized system, which include high load, administrative complexity, high failure rate, and security system complexity. It is assumed that the introduction of the blockchain will reduce the costs of QIWI for processing.
Earlier this month, QIWI, together with Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Otkritie Bank and Tinkoff Bank, participated in the launch of the Masterchain project, designed for interbank customer identification. Masterchain implemented on the basis of technology Ethereum, which also allows you to develop applications for the banking sector.
This month it became known that QIWI became a member of the blockchain-consortium R3, the plans of which Sberbank had previously announced to join. According to Sergey Solonin, Director General of QIWI, access to the consortium allows you to participate in the process of researching ideas and testing projects based on the blockchain.
The WebMoney payment system announced a test launch of the blockchain technology to identify bank customers. According to the director of WebMoney Transfer Development, Peter Darakhvelidze, the blockchain will be used in the system as a tool for confirming the identity of bank customers. The technology of distributed registries will allow online transactions, thus avoiding the need to visit bank branches and their partners.
For the stores connected to WebMoney Transfer, the payment system opened the function of accepting payments in bitcoins. In accordance with the statements of representatives of WebMoney Transfer, the legitimate use of this functionality was made possible thanks to X-wallets tied to Bitcoin, with title characters(units of account) WMX. Course: 0.001 BTC for 1 WMX . The ability to accept bitcoins among the first received shops operating on the Digiseller platform . In order to open the possibility of cryptocurrency for their customers, merchants simply integrate an X-wallet into their website using the Merchant WebMoney service . Bitcoins are credited to the store in WMX title units, which can be exchanged for other title units or bitcoins. WMX title units are credited to the merchant account only after 6 confirmations of transactions in the bitcoin blockchain. Online shopping is given the option of selecting the number of confirmations.
Despite their popularity and trends, which are set by major players like QIWI, WebMoney and Acronis, not all Russian companies are in a hurry to use the blockchain, waiting for market self-organization or blockchain initiatives from the Central Bank. In addition, a distributed registry is not appropriate for all businesses, and the integration of this technology is a matter of efficiency, not fashion trends. With a blockchain, any company should become better than with alternative solutions like standard file storages or other types of databases.