Vietnam will become the center of global IT outsourcing

    Harvey Nash , one of the largest recruiting companies, believes that in the next five years, Vietnam could become the world's most popular IT outsourcing center, overtaking the two current leaders - China and India. The reason for their confidence in such a prospect is the fact that this country has the second largest GDP growth rate in the world and today it is firmly in third place in the list of places attractive for delegation of high-tech production in Southeast Asia.

    Despite the fact that Vietnam is still physically unable to take on any production volumes comparable with China and India, the number of graduates of IT specialties there is growing by more than 10% annually. And the fact that the 84 millionth nation is more than half composed of young people under the age of 25 years significantly reduces the cost of labor, with virtually the same quality and productivity as the Asian giants.

    via ZD Net

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