
    During the move to new servers, the friendly team of Habr managed to discuss issues of labor organization, men's magazines and IPOs of large domestic companies. The proposal to write this topic on the basis of root passwords to the databases was rejected as premature.

    So, now Habr should fly like a bee. The bees, as we all know, know no errors 504. But if something happened during the transfer and an error crept in, feel free to write to

    It’s pointless to talk about things that aren’t most noticeable to users without indicating what lies ahead.

    1) This and next week, developers will face hard work, as a result of which we will present a new version of the site, code-named "Brave Habr." In it, in addition to greater accuracy in the design, a magic transformation of the back office is expected (as we call the pages with which users write new topics).

    2) Blogs of ideas and mistakes will not be left without attention, of course. Not all at once, but thanks to new servers, it will be easier to implement new functionality, which many will probably be happy with.

    Habr! :)

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