ASUS Network iControl - cannot be removed

    I spent 2 months solving this problem. Googled in a sluggish mode, asked at the IRC ... I’m probably a hopeless lamer. But I would like to save time for other people, so I am writing here.

    The problem was this: in Windows at 40 Mbit tariff it was issued from force 2. Moreover, the speed was randomly drained. The behavior was like a very aggressive QoS: a small file to download - the speed is terrible; at the same time could watch HD videos on YouTube. I reboot into Linux - 40 Mbps in both directions is stable. What? Sinned for viruses, was afraid that he became an unwitting participant in DDoS, unsuccessfully ran anti-virus checks, called the provider, checked the network cable, changed passwords on the router ...

    What is most interesting: there was no traffic either on the router or in the Windows system monitor. Those. the channel wasn’t clogged, it just wasn’t used!

    Finally, today I was helped to get to the bottom of the truth. I booted into safe mode with support for network drivers (as I had not guessed before?) And got full speed. It immediately became clear: some poop from startup was to blame. But I always kept the startup clean! Although ... although there was one utility that was connected to the Internet. ASUS Network iControl from ASUS AI Suite II. I turned it off and got my legal 40 Mbps. Quest completed. It turned out that the Internet is full of angry posts about this utility.

    Fast Internet to you, dear Khabrovites, and never put this muck.

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