Cross-browser framework version 1.0.0 for creating Kango extensions released

After a year and a half of development, the final release of the Kango framework was released .
Using Kango, you can create extensions directly for 5 browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer) using common JavaScript code.
During development, many wishes were taken into account, including Habr users ( last post ).
Key features of Kango:
- Content scripts: modification of the content of pages using Greasemonkey compatible user scripts.
- Background scripts: scripts that run when the browser starts and work while it is open.
- Support for JavaScript libraries (e.g. jQuery) in content and background scripts.
- Ability to add a button to the browser with a pop-up HTML window.
What's New in Version 1.0.0:
- Support for the latest browser versions.
- Improved Messaging API performance in Firefox and Internet Explorer.
- Added the ability to create an extension options page.
- Added the ability to close the browser tab by calling the KangoBrowserTab.close method.
- Bugs were fixed and the entire code was optimized.
What's next:
- Add API for popup alerts.
- Bootstrapped extensions for Firefox (it will be possible to install the extension without restarting the browser).
- Internationalization support (partially already implemented).
You can download the new version from the official website of Kango.
Documentation .
Typical Kango based projects .