Qt Notes Podcast s02e02
We Vass recorded and posted the second series of the second season of the podcast "Notes on Qt».

The podcast itself on rpod.ru - qt-notes.rpod.ru/287388.html
The results of the contest inside!
Sources of winning solutions:
Dmitry Poplavsky
Pavel Stratulat
New Fusion style:

Q_FUNC_INFO check in lambdas:

The podcast itself on rpod.ru - qt-notes.rpod.ru/287388.html
The results of the contest inside!
- Digia Qt is now officially
- New Ambassador Program
- Digia Joins ICS and KDAB for Qt DevDays'2012
- QtDevDays'2012 Program
- Qt 4.8.4
- Qt5 Beta 2
- Change of maintainers on a large number of projects
- Exception of Plastique, Cleanlooks, CDE, motif styles from the main Qt delivery. Adding Fusion Style
- Creator @ Qt5
- Test coverage statistics
- Woboq code browser
- Web qml
- Changing library and executable naming in Qt5
- Necessitas beta
- QML2 Rectangle border is now inside the borders of the element, not centered on them
- Using visible / opacity properties in Row / Column
- Q_FUNC_INFO in lambdas
- Little-known refactoring elements in QtCreator
- Contest Results
Sources of winning solutions:
Dmitry Poplavsky
Pavel Stratulat
New Fusion style:

Q_FUNC_INFO check in lambdas:
connect(ui->pushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [](bool) {
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;