Slashdot ceded the throne to tech blogs
A few years ago, the Slashdot site spawned a new phenomenon in online journalism related to the instant dissemination of information. If some interesting news with a link to some site got on the first page of Slashdot, then this site after a few minutes was subjected to a real DoS attack and usually crashed. He managed to restore his working capacity only after an hour or two. In this case, it was customary to say that the site was "zaslashdottili." Every webmaster dreamed of getting such a huge influx of visitors.
Nowadays, the “slashdot effect” has already exhausted itself. And not only because the communication channels have expanded, and the servers have become more powerful and withstand more serious peak loads, but also because the Slashdot collective blog has lost its leadership position, giving way to new-generation technology blogs. Today's leaders are TechCrunch , TechDirt, and Engadget .
About new trends in this market, as well as the reasons for the decline of SlashdotRussell Shaw writes on the ZDNet blog. In addition to the abovementioned Slashdot competitors, he also draws attention to the emergence of insiders from among the largest technology companies, including Microsoft, who maintain their own blogs. These people take advantage of their official position and sometimes give out unique insider information. Ordinary bloggers have a hard time competing with insiders. Nowadays, many technology experts prefer not to give interviews and not to speak on the sites of popular media, but to express their opinion in their own blog.
Collective blogs of a new wave, with built-in social functions, are trying to take an empty place as the leader of technoblogs. Resources like Digg , New Netscape, and Redditcan become a real mainstream, at least among computer scientists.
Alone in tehnoblog list is automatic Techmeme , which scans the blogosphere and issues on the first page of the most discussed topics.
Even Wikipedia gets its share of readers , which in our time is updated almost instantly after some significant event. It is convenient to track the most important news there, if you open and constantly update a thematic page with the necessary information.
We provide links to technology blogs and other resources that are included in the list of the most popular sources of IT news:
Tailrank ;
Spotback ;
Findory ;
News google ;
Rojo ; ;
Blogsnow ;
Popurls .
Nowadays, the “slashdot effect” has already exhausted itself. And not only because the communication channels have expanded, and the servers have become more powerful and withstand more serious peak loads, but also because the Slashdot collective blog has lost its leadership position, giving way to new-generation technology blogs. Today's leaders are TechCrunch , TechDirt, and Engadget .
About new trends in this market, as well as the reasons for the decline of SlashdotRussell Shaw writes on the ZDNet blog. In addition to the abovementioned Slashdot competitors, he also draws attention to the emergence of insiders from among the largest technology companies, including Microsoft, who maintain their own blogs. These people take advantage of their official position and sometimes give out unique insider information. Ordinary bloggers have a hard time competing with insiders. Nowadays, many technology experts prefer not to give interviews and not to speak on the sites of popular media, but to express their opinion in their own blog.
Collective blogs of a new wave, with built-in social functions, are trying to take an empty place as the leader of technoblogs. Resources like Digg , New Netscape, and Redditcan become a real mainstream, at least among computer scientists.
Alone in tehnoblog list is automatic Techmeme , which scans the blogosphere and issues on the first page of the most discussed topics.
Even Wikipedia gets its share of readers , which in our time is updated almost instantly after some significant event. It is convenient to track the most important news there, if you open and constantly update a thematic page with the necessary information.
We provide links to technology blogs and other resources that are included in the list of the most popular sources of IT news:
Tailrank ;
Spotback ;
Findory ;
News google ;
Rojo ; ;
Blogsnow ;
Popurls .