Qt Developer Conferences

    I am happy to hasten to share the news, regardless of whether Nokia catches up or not, events comparable in scale and format with Qt Developer Days will be held in Europe and the USA.

    Namely, in Europe, KDAB in mid-November in Berlin will host the European Qt Developer Conference

    And in the United States in Silicon Valley, Integrated Computer Solutions Inc. December 5-7 will host the North American Qt Developer Conference

    Due to the well-known position of Nokia, so far this year has not been announced the date of the most important event for everyone who works with the Qt framework, namely the date of Qt Developer Days. Given that there is not much time left until the standard date for this event, and the announcement has not yet followed, the hopes that Developer Days 2012 will take place at all are melting before our eyes.
    Fortunately, this was understood not only by ordinary users of the framework, but also by the companies - the largest committers and partners.

    I believe that these events can serve as a worthy replacement for Qt Developer Days, and we hope that next year Developer Days will again revive in the same format.

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