HeadHunter opens a representative office in Samara

    The official opening of the HeadHunter company in Samara took place. This was announced at a press conference held at the hotel of the Samara Station.

    According to a company press release, a local HeadHunter site was created specifically for Samara and the region : Samara , configured to search for personnel and work in the region. The launch of the project is due to high economic activity in the Samara region. Large international companies open their representative offices here, and local business is also developing rapidly.

    “In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the majority of large companies and almost all recruitment agencies working in the market use the Internet to search for personnel,” commented Olga Brukovskaya, HeadHunter Marketing Director. - In the economically developed Russian regions, one of which is Samara and the region, the role of the Internet in recruitment is constantly growing. HeadHunter plans to make the site samara.hh.ru the main Internet resource for job search by middle and senior managers in Samara and the region. ”

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