People on the moon. Sources

50 years ago, for the first time, man stepped into lunar regolith. This was the result of the fantastic progress of science and technology, the space race, the political confrontation of two countries: the USA and the USSR. A man’s flight to the moon has become such an incredible event that today many people deny the very fact of such a flight. Fortunately, thanks to the Internet, we have access to a huge amount of materials and scientific data that make it possible to independently find out the details of this complex program.
Landing sites for lunar modules, automatic interplanetary stations, lunar rovers taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter satellite: lroc.sese.asu.edu Landing
sites for Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 in a Japanese spacecraft Kaguya, 3D reconstruction of landscapes taken by astronauts: kaguyap.jaxa
Apollo 15 landing site in the shooting of the Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan-1
Description of the Surveyor program with links to the received photos of successful spacecraft of the series: lpi.usra.edu/lunar/missions/surveyor
Pictures of the Lunar Orbiter program, from which they chose a place Landings for Apollo: lpi.usra.edu/resources/lunarorbiter
Lunokhod-1 panorama archive : planetology.ru/panoramas/lunokhod1
Lunokhod-2 panorama
archive : planetology.ru/panoramas/lunokhod2 Chang 'Chinese lander archive e 3 and the Yutu lunar rover: planetary.org/blogs/emily-lakdawalla/2016/01281656-fun-with-a-new-data-set-change
Of course, the Soviet and Chinese lunar rovers did not see the traces of Apollo because they sat in other places, but they allow you to look at the Moon with “different eyes” and compare with American shots.
Project Apollo - archive of 15 thousand images delivered by astronauts of the Apollo program: flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive
Archive of images of orbital panoramic and cartographic cameras that were installed on Apollo 15-16-17: wms.lroc.asu.edu (some of the links are no longer works, but orbital images are available).
Images of stars and the Earth taken by the Apollo 16 ultraviolet telescope (Far Ultraviolet Camera / Spectroscope) from the moon's surface (converted to modern image formats by amateurs from the NASA source files sent): archive.org/details/AS16-123

Scanned image catalog of Far Ultraviolet Camera / Spectroscope: babel.hathitrust.org
Apollo lunar surface journal - a large archive of materials, photo-audio-film-complete negotiation texts during the mission. Monographs of studies based on Apollo landing results: history.nasa.gov/alsj
Lunar Sample Laboratory - the place where the lunar soil is stored in Houston: curator.jsc.nasa.gov/lunar
PDF catalog of lunar soil samples with color photographs, microsections, mineralogical composition: curator.jsc.nasa.gov/lunar/catalogs
Saturn-5 rocket manual: history.nasa.gov/afj/ap08fj/pdf/sa503-flightmanual
Description and design of the Apollo Command module:hq.nasa.gov/alsj/CSM06_Command_Module
Description and construction of the Apollo Lunar module: hq.nasa.gov/alsj/LM04_Lunar_Module
Data on measuring radiation and the accumulated radiation dose of Apollo astronauts: hq.nasa.gov/alsj/tnD70R
Description to Earth on the example of Apollo 4: ntrs.nasa.gov/archive
Toilet on Apollo: history.nasa.gov/SP-368 The
list of all sources, of course, is not limited to the above. Studying all the materials makes it possible to understand the enormous amount of work performed by people who decided to get to the moon.
I would like to draw attention to the efforts to publish the entire volume of historical materials: NASA, educational institutions, and amateur enthusiasts participate in this work. We can only dream of this, because a huge amount of materials from Soviet research programs is gathering dust in archives, inaccessible to Internet users. For example, panoramas of Lunokhods are published, but tens of thousands of television shots are not. A collection of images of the Moon from the Soviet "Probe-8" can only be seen on the website of the US Geological Survey , and this is not the only example when American enthusiasts and public services popularize Soviet space achievements more readily than ours.
I use materials on Apollo and other programs in the work on my book on the Apollo program and the popular issues that many people have on the Internet. I think this collection of links will be interesting to many. If you know any other useful official or unofficial resources on the Lunar program - share in the comments.