Cases and growings practices in a product at Epic Growth Conference

    On March 28, an international conference on grocery marketing and grow-up Epic Growth Conference ( ) will be held in Moscow . More than 800 top product specialists will gather to be inspired by growth practitioners and make useful contacts!

    Epic Growth Conference 2019 speakers

    • Ilya Krasinsky (CEO
    • Orkun Ozbatur (Senior Product Manager, Amazon)
    • Bayram Annakov (CEO Apps in the Air);
    • Andrey Zakonov (Director of Growth, VKontakte);
    • Mikhail Trutnev (COO Ultimate Guitar);
    • Egor Fedorov (CMO Indriver);
    • Michael Zwick (Product Manager, Revolut);
    • Julia Kardash (Head of Marketing, VCV);
    • Igor Lutz (Innovation Project Consultant);

    The bonus will be workshops on themes of groucking, analytics and castivs. View the conference program and register on the official website .

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