Getable app for hiring construction equipment received five million dollars investment

    More often than not, consumers without innovators know how to do any work. Need to hire construction equipment? The developer and its contractors always have contacts of people who will help with this. But this point can be simplified by linking it to an application that can find the right technique and track it. This is precisely the need that Getable startup solves, attracting an investment of five million dollars.


    What does getable do?

    On one platform, the service brings together contractors and companies that rent equipment. The user can monitor material and technical resources: to track the location of all equipment on their construction sites - both his own and hired.

    How does the service make money?

    The application itself is free, but Getable takes ten percent of every order made through it into your pocket.

    What is the use of investment for?

    Ninety percent of general contractors use smartphones at a construction site. Sixty percent of construction crews work with the iPad. To use these gadgets to the fullest, a startup from San Francisco Getable has created an application that allows you to monitor construction equipment. He uses the received five million dollars in order to expand the service throughout the country.

    Theoretically, such an application can be used to track a taxi fleet or city transport. Instead, the startup decided to focus as much as possibleon one topic: on construction equipment. And on one target audience: the people who use it are being built with it or leased for construction. Since 2010, they have been creating a loyal customer base in San Francisco, and now they plan to expand it throughout the country - it is quite possible that the advice of “experienced” users and existing partners from among construction companies will help.


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