The electronic state of the future. Part 2
National Production Management System (OGSUP)
Subsystem OGAS 2.0. Designed for management, control and accounting of production activities of any enterprises and organizations of the country.
The management and employees of enterprises have access to OGSUP through IPP (Information Portal of the Enterprise).
Government bodies have access to the OGSUP through the IPGO (Information Portal of the State Authority).
Goals and objectives of the system
- Centralized production management of all enterprises and organizations of the country as a single business entity.
- Automatic production planning based on analysis of demand for the company's products.
- It receives from other subsystems, processes and provides the enterprise management with all the necessary management information for enterprise management.
- It receives from the enterprise, processes and distributes data on the operation of the enterprise among other subsystems.
- Carries out software pricing for products and services of the enterprise.
- Manages the opening, expansion and closure of enterprises.
- Manages product quality.
- Manages payroll for company employees.
System structure
- Manufacturing control
- Product and service inventory management
- Financial management
- Sales management
- HR management
- Business process management
- Payroll management
- Equipment and materials management
- Workflow
- Quality control
- Delivery and storage management
- Recommendations for enterprise management
- Statistics and Reporting
and other sections.
Functional Description
- The system based on orders, pre-orders and previous sales made by citizens and organizations through the subsystem OGSUP, OGSZTU prepares plans for the production of goods and services for the management of the enterprise and monitors the implementation of these plans.
- Allows you to purchase products, materials, equipment and services from any enterprises and organizations of the country to carry out economic activities of the enterprise in electronic form.
- It allows you to make early pre-orders for the products of other enterprises without prepayment, which allows to increase the accuracy of production plans.
- All document flow with customers and suppliers is carried out electronically within the system.
- All operations of the sale of products and services of an enterprise are carried out through the OGSUP system and the associated OGSZTU system (national system of ordering goods and services).
- On the basis of information on trade operations and on product orders, continuous mathematical modeling of the country's economy and adjustment of production plans of all enterprises and organizations of the country are carried out.
- Retail outlets connect to the system using online cash desks and send data about each retail trade operation to the system.
- Based on a multidimensional analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, artificial intelligence algorithms daily evaluate economic activities and make recommendations for the management of the enterprise on improving work efficiency and optimizing financial and economic activities, expanding production, and changes in the personnel of the enterprise.
- Taking into account the needs for qualified personnel of a certain specialty, the system prepares plans for the training, education and retraining of specialists of the desired specialty for the relevant educational institutions of the country.
- Finished products manufactured by the manufacturing enterprise are shipped to consumers under the control of the OGTS system (national transport system).
- The products are centrally collected by state transport services from the enterprise’s warehouses, delivered to large sorting centers, from where it is distributed using local modes of transport to local warehouses throughout the country.
- From local warehouses, products are transported to the warehouses of purchasing organizations and to large centralized PVZ (points of order issuance) to issue orders to citizens.
- Large, centralized PVZs should gradually replace today's stores, markets, and shopping centers.
- PVZ should be located in all settlements of the country at the rate of 1 PVZ per ~ 10,000 people.
Meeting the needs of citizens
Satisfying the needs of citizens is the most important task of the production management subsystem and one of the most important tasks of the entire OGAS 2.0 system.
Since it is hardly possible to satisfy all the needs of all people (aggregate needs so far seriously exceed the total possibilities of satisfying them), the task of satisfying needs unfolds into the task of multi-criteria optimization of the needs matrix taking into account:
1) Amount of money for each citizen
2) Cost of satisfying each need
3 ) The importance of the need (for example, according to the level in the Maslow pyramid)
4) The limited ability of the industry to meet the needs of
5) Other criteria.
In order to compile such a matrix, it will be necessary to determine, digitize needs and create a mathematical model that can be constantly updated and optimized.
As a result of optimization, we will receive the optimal matrix, which will determine the list of those needs of people who should be satisfied in the near future, taking into account the given optimization criteria. Based on this optimized matrix, production plans for the country's enterprises will be drawn up.
How to determine the needs of citizens?
To this end, all enterprises and organizations of the country add all the goods and services that they produce in a single national Internet catalog or online store (subsystem OGSZTU).
Each citizen from this catalog can order and pre-order goods and services. The ordering process is also a process of digitizing needs.
Orders may be paid or unpaid. Ordered and paid goods are delivered to the consumer goods factory or to the consumer’s house. Paid services can be received at the place of their provision.
If the ordered goods are not paid (not enough money, not in stock), but added to the Wishlist - such an order is considered an unmet need. These needs will also be addressed by the system. The system will strive to meet such needs in the future. Sooner or later, it will be possible to expand production at a particular enterprise, lower prices, raise salaries and satisfy these unmet needs of citizens.
All purchases, all orders must be made either directly online, or if the purchase and sale transaction took place offline, the purchase information must be digitized and sent to the system.
Production planning
A key function of the production management system will be the planning of the production of tangible and intangible goods for all enterprises and organizations of the country.
All enterprises must strictly comply with production plans established for them by the system.
The system should continuously collect information on the demand for each individual product or service of the country's enterprises and, based on the analysis of the demand curve for each specific product, draw up a current production plan, forecast future production plans and, if necessary, prepare a plan for expanding production capacities for the enterprise that produces this product.
The system should also examine unmet product demand. Goods and services that are not paid by consumers but added to Wishlists should also be taken into account when calculating future production plans.
If demand is stable, the system should only monitor the company's implementation of current plans and, if necessary, reward or punish the company's management for compliance / non-compliance with plans.
If demand began to change dramatically - to grow or fall, the system should analyze the change in demand for the product, extrapolate this demand into the future and predict a new level of demand after a certain period. Based on this extrapolation, the system should predict the future required production volume of a given product and plan production expansion to meet growing demand.
Production expansion
The system must know exactly the limits of the enterprise’s production capacities and if the projected demand for products begins to exceed the marginal production capacities, the system should begin preparations for expanding production.
The expansion of production must be undertaken in advance, even before the current production capacity of the enterprise is exhausted, so that by the time this expansion is completed, the old production capacity has not yet been fully exhausted, and the enterprise can continue to satisfy current demand for products.
Production capacities should always expand with a margin to cover possible future growth in demand for products. This will allow you to have reserves of production capacities of the enterprise even with a sharp jump in demand.
At the same time, the expansion of production capacities should not be excessive so that the excessive expenditure of resources for such an unjustified expansion does not go to the detriment of other industries. Saving labor, equipment and materials should be an important priority for the entire economy.
The artificial intelligence of the system will prepare recommendations for the management of the enterprise to expand production, perhaps even step-by-step instructions for such expansion.
Will provide the enterprise with the necessary resources, equipment, personnel for such an expansion. The company's management will only need to strictly follow the prepared instructions and physically carry out such an expansion of production capacity.
Construction of new enterprises
If the reserves of expansion of production at the enterprise are exhausted, there is no more space for the construction of new workshops, there is no opportunity to put in new production lines, there are not enough qualified personnel to work at this enterprise, or production of completely new products is required, then it may be necessary to create new enterprises.
The creation of new enterprises is carried out centrally, under the leadership of state bodies.
To create a new enterprise, the relevant state bodies should conduct a comprehensive analysis of the situation using the specialized functionality of the system, which, based on the summary data on orders for the products of the created enterprise, will be able to determine the optimal location of this enterprise.
The new enterprise should be located as close as possible to most consumers (to reduce delivery time), should be close to large sources of electricity, close to suppliers of materials and equipment, and also close to centers of concentration of labor of appropriate qualifications and specializations.
Algorithms of the system should conduct a comprehensive analysis of all these factors and offer the competent state authorities several optimal places for placing a new enterprise to choose from. The final decision rests with the officials of this state agency.
When creating a new enterprise, current and future demand for the products or services of this enterprise, and potential opportunities for expanding the production volume should be taken into account. The size of the enterprise under construction should be comparable with the volume of unmet demand, with a margin for the future.
Company closure
If the company's products are in extremely low demand and / or the quality of the company’s work is very low, and the company does not have any social significance, the system may decide to liquidate the company.
In this case, all employees of the enterprise will be employed at other enterprises, and if necessary, they will undergo retraining and retraining. If the dismissed employees are not found a suitable job immediately, they will receive a guaranteed minimum benefit as much time as will be necessary for their employment.
Premises and equipment will be transferred to other enterprises or moved to warehouses.
Product quality
Quality products are any products that strictly comply with GOSTs, according to which they are manufactured. The output of products that do not comply with any GOSTs should be limited.
To ensure high quality products, a rating mechanism for goods, services and enterprises is provided. In the OGSUP and OGSZTU systems (national system for ordering goods and services), it will be possible to leave pros and cons under each product in each order, based on which the product rating and the enterprise rating are calculated. Each minus must be accompanied by a review. It must be indicated which GOST is violated by the enterprise and what this violation is. The review must be confirmed by a photograph, expert opinion and other factual data.
If the violation is confirmed, then the rating of the product and the rating of the entire enterprise is reduced, which affects the salary of all employees of the enterprise downward. The management of the enterprise itself must take measures to improve the quality of work and find out who exactly allowed the departure from GOSTs.
After eliminating the shortcomings, management can send consumers quality products with a request to cancel their negative review.
The absence of negative reviews about the quality of the enterprise’s work gives the company a maximum rating, which increases the salary level of all employees to the maximum possible.
The salary of everyone working in the country must be calculated automatically by the national electronic system. Algorithms for calculating wages are approved by nationwide electronic referenda.
Factors that should affect the size of each employee’s salary:
- Minimum hourly rate
- Working hours
- Position
- Education
- Experience
- The quality of the entire enterprise
How to determine the quality of the entire enterprise?
The quality of work by an enterprise is determined taking into account:
- Compliance of enterprise products with approved GOSTs
- Fulfillment by the enterprise of the plan generated for the enterprise by the national electronic system.
If an enterprise produces everything strictly in accordance with GOSTs and fulfills completely all the plans established for the enterprise, then we consider that the enterprise is exemplary, the quality of the enterprise’s work at its best and all its employees receive the highest possible wage level in the country.
If the company works poorly, violates the approved GOSTs or does not fulfill the plans, then all employees of such an enterprise receive a lower salary in proportion to the poor quality of their work. Those. the worse it works, the less workers get (while the salary of the most unskilled worker cannot be less than the minimum).
If the enterprise has corrected the shortcomings and the quality of its work has increased, then the salaries of all employees increase.
The maximum salary of the most highly qualified and highly paid specialist should not exceed the salary of the lowest paid worker in the country by more than 10-20 times. This is necessary to ensure an acceptable level of social justice and reduce social tension in the country.
If the GDP of the whole country is growing, then the minimum wage throughout the country is indexed, and the wages of all workers in the country are proportionally increased.
The system pays wages to the personal accounts of employees in the OGFS (national financial system).
The pricing of all products and services for all enterprises in the country is carried out automatically by the system, based on summary information on the costs of producing a unit of production and other factors. Company management cannot directly set prices for products.
The system will try to keep prices for products constant at any level of demand for these products. If necessary, the system will change prices automatically, for example, if the enterprise does not fulfill production plans.
With an increase in labor productivity at a given enterprise, product prices may decrease.
Storage and delivery
Delivery of products to consumers is carried out using OGTS (a single national transport system). The system manages all modes of transport in the country. The functionality of the system allows you to plan and optimize the delivery of any cargo.
The products ordered by consumers from the warehouses of enterprises by various means of transport are delivered first to large sorting centers, then to regional warehouses, from where they are transported to the consumer goods warehouse in walking distance or to the consumer’s house by courier delivery. This provides the fastest, shortest and cheapest way to deliver products from the manufacturer to the consumer, without intermediaries. It should also reduce the final cost of goods for the consumer.
Innovations, inventions, new products will be created in a separate subsystem of OGAS 2.0, which is called OGII (national system of inventions and innovations).
The subsystem works according to a scheme similar to the angel investing or crowdfunding system, only all investments in new projects are made by the state.
In the OGII subsystem, any citizen will be able to offer his idea, concept, draft new invention, new items. Everyone can discuss the idea. If an idea gains the minimum required number of support votes, then the state allocates a small amount to create a working prototype of this invention. If the prototype was successful and the introduction of this invention into mass production will also support a significant number of citizens, then the inventor is awarded for the invention, and the prototype goes to the standardization committee.
The standardization committee on the basis of this prototype prepares a new GOST, after which the GOST is sent to a suitable enterprise, where a new production line is created for production in accordance with this GOST. After that, the serial production of this product begins, the product is added to the national catalog of goods and services and any citizen of the country can order it.
All risks in financing this invention and its serial production are taken by the state. The inventor himself does not risk anything, but he also cannot claim any future income from the production of this product. His award for this invention is a large one-time award for the invention, as well as his mention as the author of this invention.
System benefits
- Exact and complete satisfaction of the needs of citizens of the country.
- Significant increase in the overall performance of the country's economy.
- Saving materials and labor.
- The release of a large number of highly paid managerial and support personnel of the country's enterprises due to the fact that a significant part of management decisions and support operations will be taken over by the artificial intelligence of the system.
- The company's management does not bear financial and marketing risks.
- It produces exactly as many products as consumers need.
- There are no crises of overproduction.
- The company receives accurate production plans.
- The company receives accurate instructions for expanding production.
- Company management does not need to make complex management decisions in the face of market uncertainty.
- Standardization and interchangeability of products manufactured by different enterprises due to the observance of uniform GOSTs.
- Stable prices for any products and services.
- Lack of inflation.
- Products are delivered directly from the manufacturer to the consumer without intermediaries.
- There is no price markup by intermediaries.
- The risks of introducing a new product into production are borne by the state, and not by an individual businessman.
- Allows you to translate all trade and financial transactions and the entire workflow in electronic form.
- Reduction of bureaucracy.
- Reducing corruption and theft of funds at all levels.
- The growth of workers' wages with the growth of the country's GDP.
- A continuous increase in the well-being of citizens.
A nationwide production management system will help to significantly improve the quality of managing the country's economy, create an effective mechanism for centralized production planning at all enterprises, help reduce bureaucracy, and reduce unproductive labor costs.
Integration of the nationwide production management system into a single management system will make it possible to achieve a powerful synergistic effect from combining the capabilities of different subsystems.
Links to other parts:
Part 1