The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 301 (June 3 - 9)

    Finally, we can say that WWDC turned out. Luxurious SwiftUI, new versions of operating systems and the new iPadOS, App Store on the clock, PencilKit, Catalyst for porting applications to macOS, new tools for virtual reality, reactive Combine. Understand for at least six months. And then it will be possible to wait for a new conference.

    This is a significant event for programmers and ordinary Apple users: here are about innovations in the system API, and about user services. The expected declarative UI really came true, and this is truly a universal event for the world of iOS development. “We need to write an article about this,” I thought, and thousands more iOS developers around the world are in exaltation.

    This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily we send news in the Telegram channel .


    • (+24) WWDC 2019: the main thing from the presentation of Keynote according to the robots
    • • (+18) WWDC 2019 :: what to see
    Sign In with Apple - fast, convenient and secure entry
    Apple puts Sign In ahead of the competition
    Winners of Apple Design Awards 2019
    Apple has banned ads and analytics in children's apps
    Core ML has launched device-based learning
    Apple introduces new cutting-edge technologies for application development
    Apple introduces the new iPadOS
    How I learned Swift and released my app that took 2nd place on Product Hunt
    SwiftUI in examples
    How indexing works with Xcode and how to fix it if it breaks on your project
    Storyboards, Auto Layout and full-screen background images
    Use the UIMenuController to control the UIResponder
    Xcode build steps and environment
    We work with SwiftUI - create and combine View
    First look at SwiftUI
    Use Xcode Preview in production
    What's new in Xcode 11?
    Create a library for the iOS application using the Swift Package Manager
    Are you a former iOS expert?
    First look at the new Apple Combine framework
    Sign in with Apple: we use

    Android in the UIKit application

    • (+18) Kotlin DSL, Fixtures and elegant UI tests in Android
    • (+15) Create instant games on Unity in Google Play Instant
    • (+6) How to connect PhotoSwipe gallery in WebView android
    Mobile games will be available on Steam and other PC app stores
    Android Dev Podcast # 96: DEX format, its instrumentation and Android runtimes
    Debugging tools for Android applications
    Remote Config in Android - one release to rule them all
    Launch time Android applications: why it matters
    • We have fun with converting text to images in Android
    Android MVI with Jetpack Compose
    Abstracting the sealed class in Kotlin
    Reactive programming with Kotlin
    Making applications in Android Studio reactive with UI Components and Redux
    4 steps to Android Dot TabItem
    Perfect testing: do the cleaning
    Retrofit meets coroutines
    We introduce system design components in Android applications
    Machine learning in Android with Firebase ML Kit


    • (+42) Unity: endless procedurally generated city obtained using WFC algorithm (wave function collapse)
    AppsCast # 7: Mentor, idol and imperial stout
    Dry the oars: Pilot release
    Podlodka # 114: Mentoring
    Yandex has opened registration for the Interface Development School
    Emotions in product development
    Making a React Native welcome slider
    Mobile dating redesign: UX research
    Computing Photography
    650 free development courses for June
    How to write a backend in C # using Firebase and Google Cloud Run to play Unity
    Switch to Flutter? First application
    Spending tracking app: UX research
    Counter-Strike level on UE4
    WWDC 2019: what could you miss
    Will the Storyboards stay?

    Analytics, marketing and monetization

    • (+4) Cases of successful (and not so) experiments of Yandex.Navigator
    China’s mobile ecosystem: the largest and most interesting
    myTracker launches predictive analytics
    Anyplace: housing for nomads
    Retail 2030: delivery, mobile payments and personalization
    Revenue for entertainment applications grew by 26% over the year
    Zynga made Battle Royale for Snap Games
    Firefly: smart taxi advertising
    ASO study of Russian applications: how to understand that your application will succeed?

    AI, Devices, IoT

    • (+38) Samsung opens a free online course on neural networks in computer vision tasks
    • (+18)We distinguish characters from garbage: how to build stable neural network models in OCR tasks
    • (+11) Building an automatic message moderation system
    Introduction to machine learning in Python

    < Previous digest . And here is the first issue of the digest .

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