Development of an online store to preserve the nature of Kamchatka

    How to develop an online store whose main goal is not revenue, but help nature? A store where there are no flashy banners, super-deals and lists of benefits, but there are quality products and a big idea - a responsible attitude to the environment.

    Environmental movements, fair working conditions and equal rights can be called the trend of the 21st century. Brands that adhere to the same values ​​are today associated with consumers with high quality, environmental friendliness, uniqueness. Such brands are called socially responsible. According to a global study by Nielsen, 62% of Russians are willing to change their habits in order to preserve the environment.

    Demand creates supply, therefore, in Russia there are more and more companies that focus not on a product, but on the idea of ​​caring for nature. And marketing for such companies requires a completely different one.

    The creators of the project “Protect Kamchatka” Taras and Tatyana Sharyga turned to us. He created this brand with his wife Tatyana. If you look at the project’s website, it’s immediately difficult to give an unequivocal answer to what “Take care of Kamchatka” does - it’s a photo blog about the beauty of nature, its non-consumer attitude, the personal story of two people who have found each other, and their own brand of clothes with designer drawings. In addition, part of the funds from each item sold goes to the fund of the Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve, with which the project plans to ennoble several rookeries for sea lions - sea lions - in Kamchatka. Therefore, the language does not dare to call “Take care of Kamchatka” a regular online store.

    While working on this project, we, of course, broke our heads.

    Starting point - to the store for inspiration

    The project already had a website on Tilda, which created some technical limitations. We needed to build a new solution from scratch, on a more flexible CMS and in a fresh design. Tatyana and Taras needed a website where it was convenient to add new content, whether it be articles or clothing collections. For visitors, it was supposed to be a place where you want to return - for new stories about Kamchatka, for gifts for yourself and loved ones, for photos and inspiration. The site was supposed to inspire good deeds no less than the social networks of the project.

    Instagram page “Take care of Kamchatka”

    This was an interesting task - just humanly and from a technical point of view.

    Project Design - Warmth and Freedom

    For many residents of Central Russia, Kamchatka is associated with something unattainably far. Developing the site, we wanted to make it closer, more accessible to everyone. Atypical aspiration if you are developing an online store, right?

    The bet was made on the visual part. The founders have a lot of high-quality photographic materials about Kamchatka, accumulated during travels on the peninsula. Tatyana herself draws prints for clothes and the company logo she also created herself. We used these elements in the design. As a result of the combination of illustrations, photographs created by the founders of the project, and our experience in development, a website was created at the intersection of technology and free creativity. Visitors feel the warmth and freedom that this approach has allowed us to invest in this online store.

    Key Design Elements

    • Huge photos from edge to edge of the screen

    • Navigation elements are light and contour so that nothing distracts.

    • Photos for each block. Where appropriate - made responsive animation.

    • Large widgets of social networks on the main one - “Take care of Kamchatka” publishes amazing content.

    We widgets of social networks in such a way that they are in harmony with the design of the page. For Instagram, they bought LightWidget and tuned it up, but for Facebook they took a standard one and configured it for an adaptive design.

    “Take care of Kamchatka” has a large loyal audience. To expand it, we have added a newsletter subscription form. Many will want to leave their email in order to be the first to know about the project news, to receive notifications about new collections and blog articles.

    Development and integration - user care

    Although, at first glance, the commercial component is not the main thing on this site, it was important to create a high-quality online store. The weightlessness and the spirit of freedom that we conveyed in the design could easily destroy the careless attitude to the user's needs.

    Therefore, we have created a convenient design of the list of goods, as clear and concise as possible.

    Modified the standard sorting panel.

    A large block with a photo gallery was displayed on the product’s detailed page - for each product a whole album of photos is uploaded, everything can be enlarged and considered. In the photo, by the way, Taras and Tatyana themselves.

    Smart size chart and complete product information

    We provided for a size chart, placed the main characteristics of the goods. For the convenience of customers, they displayed information on payment, delivery and return in each product.

    Like any clothing store, “Protect Kamchatka” does not always have all sizes available. Therefore, we have programmed the ability to indicate in the administration system how many products are left in each size. This information is used in the public part for users - you cannot add to the cart and pay for more goods than they actually exist.

    It might seem like a trifle to someone - they would wave a hand: "Then we will figure it out, replace or refund the money." But not in our case. Any inconvenience will leave a residue, and all the good intentions of the founders will go by the wayside. We take care of site visitors even when they are unaware of this.

    Delivery Aggregator

    We also connected an eDost delivery method aggregator, which appears at the checkout stage. The buyer indicates his data, and depending on the chosen city, he is offered a drop-down list of all possible types of delivery (including international) with their price. After selection, the price is automatically added to the order amount, which is convenient for both the site owner and the buyer.

    Publication and project results

    In total, all the work took about three months - the time from the initial receipt of information to the final publication of the approved result. Given the non-standard design, improvements and the need to fill the site - this is an acceptable time.

    The team consisted of two project managers, an art director, an interface designer, a frontend developer, two backend developers, and two testing specialists.

    Money and labor:

    Commercial projects often fail due to an insufficiently developed strategy for interacting with a potential buyer. Today, typing any combination of letters in the address bar, you are likely to get to the online store. The competition in online sales is just frantic.
    Budget160 000 rubles
    Development period60 working days

    One mistake - and your visitor will go where it is more convenient, cheaper, wider choice. Double responsibility lies with the founders of “Protect Kamchatka”.

    • Firstly, like any commercial project, it should be profitable.
    • Secondly, the founders made a commitment to help the reserve, and without sales on the site and contributions to the reserve fund, the risk of the disappearance of Steller sea lions will only increase.

    Every little thing matters, because we tried to provide the most comfortable user interface - from entering the site to making a purchase - filling it with freedom and the atmosphere of protected Kamchatka.

    The experience of this project has shown that some of the implemented user functions are perfect for any site, and they need to be built into the basic configuration of our CMS so that sites with a lot of useful functions cost our customers cheaper.

    Working with such kind, socially responsible projects is always inspiring, I want to become better myself, to be more attentive and caring.

    Take care of nature and make good sites :)

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