Google’s New Easter Egg - Thanos and the Glove of Infinity vs. Google Search Results

    If you write the words “Thanos”, “Thanos”, “Glove of Infinity” in the Google search bar, a page with an unusual Easter egg will open.

    Link to the search with the word Thanos

    Actions after going to the search page with the "Infinity Glove \ Thanos":

    - turn on the speakers \ headphones,

    - click on the "Infinity Gloves" icon on the right,

    - listen to the sound and see how exactly half of the search results are “destroyed” "beautiful by dissolving effect

    - see how in line with the total number of links in the top of the list twice reduced the amount of the output results

    - click the mouse on the icon on the right glove Thanos,

    - all the search strings and return values Xia into place.

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